The Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACOCI) collaborated for a second year in a row with Ms. Ife Badejo, founder of INFOBIZZ, to host a mastermind session with distinguished and dynamic speakers at Zemi Beach House on Tuesday, November 15th 2016. The motivational leaders consisted of Dr. Vernet Joseph, America’s #1 P3 Speaker and Strategist, Ms. Ife Badejo, the Caribbean’s Leading Business Relationship Strategist and Dr. Will Moreland, America’s #1 Leadership Life Trainer.
A cross section of ACOCI members with a vested interest in gaining insight from the speakers, to take their businesses to the next level of success ,attended. The participants were greatly inspired by the messages of the speakers and took away valuable lessons to apply to their businesses.
Mr. Carlton Pickering, Acting Executive Director of the ACOCI, opened the session by offering a word of prayer and providing welcome remarks. Mrs. Lily Moses, Administrative Assistant, introduced each of the speakers to the audience.
The first presenter was Dr. Vernet Joseph also known as Mr. Productivity. He explained to the members that, “Strategic positioning is nothing more than putting yourself in a space of adding value and becoming a strategic partner”. He went on to say, “If I can see it, then I can achieve it. If I can believe, then I can run towards it. If it’s possible, then I must produce it. You can be, do anything you want to do, but you must do the work”.
The second presenter was Ms. Ife Badejo whose focus was networking and collaboration. She requested that the members participate in a group exercise. She divided the participants into three groups and asked each group to come up with a superhero concept and weapon to fight against all the evil and wrong in the world. Members had to produce individual super powers and combine them to create one weapon that will complete the task at hand. This exercise allowed the participants to be innovative and work together to achieve the result.
The final speaker was Dr. Will Moreland who asked volunteers from the audience to describe their business and identify their problems. He then asked a series of questions to the business owners to help the owners identify opportunities and strategies to advance their business. The insights shared were relevant for all businesses present.
Mrs. Karen Pina, Clerical Officer at the ACOCI, gave the vote of thanks. Special thanks was made to the sponsors of the event: Calypso Charter Anguilla, Benny’s Travel & Tours, Leviticus Lifestyle, Caribbean Soaps and Sundries, E’s Oven Restaurant and Anguilla Jammin. Much thanks and appreciation also went out to the speakers for giving the participants an informative, thought provoking seminar. It was an excellent session. For more information about the Dominate 360 experience, contact the Chamber at 497-2840.