Three United Nations Women have been in Anguilla this week conducting a workshop – from October 17 -21 – geared towards Parliamentarians, Civil Society Organisations, Government Gender Focal Points, the Departments of Social Development and Probation and the Royal Anguilla Police Force. It has been a collaborative effort involving the Gender Affairs Unit in the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Social Development and the Royal Anguilla Police Force.
Dr. Ronya Foy-Connor, Gender Development Coordinator, put the workshop into perspective in a press release. She stated in part: “The Gender Affairs Unit is working diligently to educate civil servants and the general public about gender equality and how gender is linked to the development and financial wellbeing of our nation. With vital training workshops, such as this one, gender awareness will continue to increase among community members and throughout our government entities. We must create opportunities for each of us to promote gender equity and human rights in our respective spheres of influence.”
The various sessions focused on three salient topics: the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as they relate to Anguilla; the Next Steps in implementing the Convention to Eliminate all forms of Discriminations Against Women; and Turning Legislation into Action: Implementing the Domestic Violence Act into Practice. The UN Women facilitators have been Gabriel Henderson, Programme Specialist for Gender-Based Violence; Kemberley Gittens, Parliamentarian Trainer and Toolkit Developer with the Caribbean Women’s Association; and Ms. Jacqueline Sealy-Burke of the University of the West Indies Legal Aid and Counselling Clinic.
The training for Parliamentarians was held in the Anguilla House of Assembly on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the workshop was for the Gender Focal Points and Civil Society Organisations; and on Thursday and Friday the workshop training was for the Police Force and the Departments of Social Development and Probation.
The workshop organising team comprised Gender Development Coordinator, Dr, Ronya Foy-Connor; Permanent Secretary, Social Development, Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake; Social Development Planner, Mrs. Kiesha Gumbs-Bibby; and Inspector Chrispen Gumbs of the Royal Anguilla Police Force.