The Department of Education cannot overestimate the value of education for all its students. Learning opportunities should and must be extended to all students regardless of their abilities. Students with severe disabilities require more time and opportunities to acquire and practice skills. In an effort to provide further for children of secondary school age, who would have benefitted from the Developing Our Vision for Education (D.O.V.E) programme at the Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School, the Department of Education set forth in September 2016 to open a secondary centre specifically designed to cater to the needs of students with severe communication and mobility issues. The programme focuses on the teaching of everyday life skills required for functioning in society. This new programme is an extension of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School’s Special Education Department and has been named, D.O.V.E 2. The centre is located in the Kentish Building in the Farrington.
Runway Anguilla, a non-profit organization which started in 2010 with a seven member executive, has been well known on the island for their contributions towards elderly citizens and supporting various youth initiatives. The support of Runway Anguilla was called upon to assist in providing specific resources needed for the population at ALHCS, D.O.V.E 2. The immediate response was the result of a financial donation in the amount of $300.00 USD which was presented on Tuesday, 4th October 2016. Representatives of Runway Anguilla, Mrs. Janine Edwards and Ms. Leslie Bunch, were delighted to present the cheque to the principal, Mrs. Joyce Stuart. As stated by Mrs. Edwards, “Runway Anguilla endorses the mission of the ALHCS, D.O.V.E 2”.
Persons interested in making donations of any kind to ALHCS, D.O.V.E 2, can contact the LEAD teacher , Tr. Celestine John, at the centre by telephoning 498 0077.
– Contributed