Seven members of the Royal Anguilla police Force will over the next three months benefit from a Certificate Course, Introduction to Community presented and accredited by the University of The West Indies, Open Campus here in Anguilla.
The purpose of the course is to prepare law enforcement officers to respond to the universal demand from ordinary citizens and civil society for greater efficiency, partnership and problem solving in law enforcement.
The course will provide students with a well-rounded historical perspective on the evolution of policing and the drivers of change that created the concept.
“This program is in keeping with what we ought to be doing as it relates to Community Policing,” said Commissioner of Police Mr. Paul Morrison. “The Royal Anguilla Police Force Strategic Plan highlights the need to create liaison officers for each electoral district in Anguilla. These seven officers who are Sergeants once trained will be spread across Anguilla to promote community policing throughout the island.”
Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks, Manager for the UWI Open Campus British Overseas Territories said, “The University of The West Indies Open Campus is pleased to be partnering with the Royal Anguilla Police Force to deliver this important aspect of their Training Program. As an activist University, our role is ensuring that we are leading the way for the development of all sectors in our communities and societies.” The BOT Manager went on to note that she was particularly delighted that Anguilla was the second of the BOTs and the University Sites in the region to take advantage of this training.
The seven officers are Sgt. 51 Delvin Fleming, Sgt. 28 Vydia Charles, Sgt. 27 Kevin Edwards, Sgt. 9 Randy Javois, Sgt. 60 Beverly Thompson, Sgt. 26 Hosaine Mason and Sgt. 8 Shamella Vanterpool.
The training will be conducted by Ms. Jocelyn Johnson.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)