Early childhood education has been a very important area for Natalie Richardson, and she always encourages kindergarteners to aspire and do their best. She comes from a family of educators, and remembers her kindergarten school years which gave her a firm grounding in education.
Natalie who also goes by the name ‘Natty AXA’, and who was first-runner up in the Miss Anguilla Pageant 2016, met the first time kindergartners, on Friday 9th September, at the kindergarten class of the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School in Island Harbour, where her mother also taught for many years.
She greeted the eager students, who were smartly dressed, and was smothered with kisses and hugs from familiar faces. She took the opportunity to welcome the kindergarteners to their new school. She encouraged them to work hard and enjoy the new venture. She wanted to demonstrate that you must not only give to get, but also to inspire others to give and always have the spirit of giving.
Natalie was awarded in several subject areas at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School before going on to study at the University of The Virgin Islands where she obtained a BA degree in Marketing in 2014. She wishes to encourage all students from our different schools to take education seriously and understand the tremendous benefits of receiving a good education.
– Contributed