A battle on the courts took place on Saturday September 10th as Junior tennis players, in 5 brackets, competed for National ranking points in ANTA’s first ever tournament. Meeting in the early morning hours, by the Malliouhana and Carimar courts in West End, Junior players were registered and rules of conduct and match play were explained. Out of 27 pre-registered Junior players, there was 1 withdrawal and 1 disqualification for lateness as strict International Tennis Federation regulations were recognized as a standard for the tournament.
The draws were revealed, as well as a match play schedule which experienced a 30-minute rain delay. However, despite this, the exciting competition continued. The players displayed sportsman-like conduct throughout the day-congratulating the winners and supporting those who faced elimination. In the end, it came down to 5 Finals matches which kept parents and spectators on the edge of their seats.
After epic, hard fought matches the Winners & Finalists were revealed as follows: 10 & Under Winner – Nathan Kayon Brooks/Finalist – Ella Irish. 14 & Under Girls Winner – Louis Guinto/Finalist – Nandi Edwards. 14 & Under Boys Winner-Lucien Baronnier/Finalist -Cuthwin L. Webster. 18 & Under Girls Winner-Myisha Letang/Finalist – Angela Guinto. 18 & Under Boys Winner – Rodrigo Vasquez/Finalist – Xander Owen-Vasilis.
The finale of the event was the presentation of Certificates and Medals to the winners and finalist. ANTA is thankful for the support of the players, parents and coaches. This event was made possible by the hosts Malliouhana & Carimar and Digicel for the much needed tents. ANTA appreciates everyone who participated and contributed to the success of our first ever tournament… the first of many!
Ranking results will be available soon on our Facebook page.
Board of the Anguilla National Tennis Association:
President – Marvin Hazell (584-8511) Vice President – Rory Purcell Treasurer – John Lawrence Assistant Treasurer – Suzan Baronnier Secretary – Mimi Connor Tournament Director & PR – Michelle Owen-Vasilis Membership Director – Axa Webster
We invite all persons who have a passion for playing or promoting the enhancement and growth of tennis on the island to reach out to us at anguillanta@gmail.com or look for us on Facebook!
– Press Release