A new Student Guild Executive has been elected for the 2016-2017 academic year at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus Anguilla.
The Team comprises former Deputy Chair, Trevor Queeley as Chairman and Liaison Officer Leonise Francis, who previously had responsibility for Social Work/Youth Development, as well as newcomers, Kareen Harrigan – Deputy Chair, Charlene Roach – Secretary; Soya Williams – Treasurer; and Communications/Public Relations Officer, Tomasha Connor.
The UWI Open Campus Anguilla Guild of Students, like the other regional UWI Guild Chapters is an autonomous body that represents students’ needs and interests. It also looks after the welfare of students, and provides assistance and advice on matters related to their experience at the UWI. The Executive Members are students who are enrolled in various programmes at the University.
The local six-member Executive is delighted to have the opportunity to serve its fellow students at the UWI Open Campus Anguilla and has pledged to continue fostering a spirit of camaraderie amongst the student body. The Executive will also continue working towards establishing and maintaining linkages with various community-based organisations and other student bodies in Anguilla in the pursuit of mutual cooperation. Particular attention will be focused on strengthening relations with the Student Councils at the Anguilla Community College and the Saint James School of Medicine, as well the Department of Youth and Culture. Another objective is to promote the already established collaborative effort for the Blood Donor Drive Registration Drive at the Health Authority of Anguilla.
The Student Guild Executive says that it is fortunate to have the Manager of the UWI Open Campus British Overseas Territories Sites, Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks as its guide and is particularly pleased that its Chair, Mr. Trevor Queeley has also been appointed to the Regional Student Executive. They have pledged to work closely with the local Site and the student body to achieve their goals as well as the overall aims and objectives of the University of the West Indies and its various Campuses.
The new Executive, which was inducted at a special Recogition Ceremony on 26 July 2016, is also expressing its appreciation to the outgoing 2015-2016 Executive members: Britnee Williams, Kirsten Herbert, Arlene Browne-Richardson, Simone Ferguson, Carla Richardson, Tamara Young, Trevor Queeley and Leonise Francis for working so diligently to accomplish the successes of the past year.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)