Two Youth programmes were deliver by the Methodist Church Anguilla Circuit over the last two weeks. For the first programme from August 8-12, the setting was the Bethel Methodist Church at South Hill where the Annual ‘Summerfest’ was held. The second from August 15-19 was the Vacation Bible School at Ebenezer Chapel in the Valley.
For the ‘Summerfest’ “JOY IN JESUS, EVERYWHERE! ALL THE TIME” was the popular theme, followed by the theme song, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME” Philippians 4:13; which the children demonstrated and sung lustily at the closing ceremony.
The ever enthusiast Chairperson, Mr. Seymour Hodge along with Rev. M. Velina Petit and other committee members managed to secure the help of several facilitators for the eighty (80) children who attended. Besides Bible related subjects, there was Liturgical Dance assisted by Sis. Dianne Peters, Drama by Sis. Mellissa Hamm, Poetry by Sis. Yolande Richardson and even a session DARE assisted by our very own busy officers from the Royal Anguilla Police Force.
This year the theme for our Arts and Crafts was the Ten Commandments, with age appropriate activities completed and displayed. Sis. Ruth Niles and her team assisted ages 9-12 and 13 and over participants. Tr. Hyacinth Hughes and her team assisted the 5-8 year old participants.
Input from four (4) of our Ministers came in the form of donations of beautifully decorated cakes. Rev. Joseph Lloyd, Rev. E. Dunstan Richardson, Rev. Lindsay Richardson and Rev. Candis Niles.
At the Ebenezer Vacation Bible School, the programme this year was centred on the Teachings of Christ delivered in different short videos each day. This was followed by workbook sessions where the information was expounded. There were also daily sessions of Art and Craft especially for the 3-8 year olds.
Two sessions on the ‘Stories Behind the Hymns’ were presented Bro Sanford Richardson, assisted by Remeiko Richards and Devaunie Richardson. He concentrated on four hymns, ‘Jesu Lover of My Soul,’ and ‘O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing,’ both written by Charles Wesley and ‘Thou Did’st Leave Thy Throne,’ by Emily Elliot and ‘All Creatures Of Our God And King’ by St Francis of Assisi. The aim of the activity was to create in students a deeper appreciation for the hymns of the faith. There was also a session on local Church History led by Bro Kenn Banks.
Two new activities were added this year. The first was a session on ‘Who Am I’ facilitated by Ms Nicki Matthew, a Guidance Counsellor at the ALHCS, who challenged the participants to value their own uniqueness and purpose in life and strive to make a difference. The second new activity was a Historic walk from the Chapel to the Tourist Board Building, led by Sis Gina Brookes. During the walk information was shared on the history of buildings and sites in the area beginning with the site of Chapel itself, which is the birthplace of Methodism in Anguilla.
During we the week there were 84 participants registered, of these 64 were affiliated to Ebenezer with the remaining 20 from other Methodist congregations and other churches. The infants 3-8 years were led by Sis Janice Hodge, the juniors 9-12 years by Sis Vera Robinson and seniors 13-18 years by Sis Kenniva Brooks.

The participants were split in to three teams FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. Points were awarded to the teams based team performance and on quizzes on the subjects covered. The test on ‘the Story Behind the Hymns’ was administered as a written test during the session. The other sessions were part of a competition held on the last day with three persons representing each team. At the end of the week Team FAITH amassed 310 points, team LOVE 342 and HOPE scored 361 points each.
The week ended with a picnic at Crocus Bay that, for many of the children, was the highlight. Awards for outstanding performances at the camp were presented during the church service on Sunday morning.
The Methodist Church is indebted to the many volunteers who spent the time over the last two weeks interacting with our precious children. These include those persons who spent the entire week leading classes, the kitchen staff who prepared the snacks everyday, as well as those who came in to lead and facilitate various sessions and activities. Many of our volunteers took time of from work to be part of the occasion so we are also grateful to those employers and managers who saw value in the event. We are also thankful for the overwhelming support provided by parents, guardians, and friends of the participants and the entire church family. Christ said ‘I tell you with certainty, since you did it for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.’ ISV.
We now look forward to reaching even more children with our wonderful programmes for 2017.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)