Plans are proceeding very well for the August Thursday boat race, at Meads Bay, one of a series of boat races for the Anguilla Summer Festival.
For some time now, the West End Committee, with the support and leadership of Mr. Cardigan Connor, the Elected Representative for that district, has been working towards reviving what used to be a big boat-racing event at Meads Bay.
It now appears that the efforts, including fundraising, are gaining much success. In the first place, the Committee has succeeded in securing an area of land – from the Connor’s family – for public gatherings, musical entertainment and sale of food. The land also provides suitable access to the bay for the boat races – the other locations being occupied by hotel and villa development.
Mr. Connor spoke to The Anguillian about the upcoming boat race and other events on Thursday, August 4. “For years, what has been regarded as the main feature at Meads Bay was not the boat race, but having the entertainment which, many years ago, was held at Davis’ Dance Hall,” he said. “In recent times, that has not been afforded to us at West End, but now we have been able to get available property from the Connor’s family, thus allowing us to have some beach entertainment.”
He was pleased that the Summer Festival Committee had donated EC$50,000 towards the Meads Bay events this year which, in fact, was reportedly provided by the Port Authority. “The good thing about it is that even though it comes in a roundabout way, the benefit is there, I suppose, for the entertainment at Meads Bay which I said has had a long and positive impact on the people of Anguilla,” he commented. “We are very grateful for that assistance. I am very pleased that we are in a position to be assist the West Fest in this manner.”
Mr. Connor, who as Parliamentary Secretary has responsibility for Sports, among other matters, continued: “The plans for the Meads Bay events are coming well. Over the past four to five years there has been a conscious effort by the West Fest Committee to have a place where boat racing can stay alive, and to have entertainment on the beach while the boats are out to sea. Boat-racing by itself probably will not survive so we need to find a way of attracting more people while the boats are racing. Sometimes the boats are out to sea for three hours, so we are looking to marry two events: boat-racing and beach entertainment.”
Last year, in addition to local music, Crossfire, a featured band, was brought in from Barbados and the event attracted a huge crowd, according to Mr. Connor. “That band had a very positive effect on the crowd,” he reflected. “This year we are bringing in WCK out of Dominica, as the overseas band, plus some of our local bands which will be performing…including Panther Vibes and a number of DJs.”
He went on: “We will be having a Class B race and also a Class A race which have been the standard practice at Meads Bay. We are appealing to everybody to come out and support the events financially. We need people to help contribute to the boat-racing so that, as we go forward, the sport and culture will survive.”