Mr. O’leary Richardson, Ms. Jade Reymond, Mr. Nick Romney and Mr. Jamie Thompson

FLOW Anguilla has emerged as the largest private sector contributor to the 2016 Anguilla Summer Festival – investing over EC$100,000 in ambassadors and sponsored events from this week.
This was announced at a press conference by the company’s Commercial Manager in Anguilla, Ms. Jade Reymond, on Monday, July 25. She was pleased that the telecommunications company was again partnering with the Anguilla Summer Festival by sponsoring various aspects of the festival, thus giving back to the community.
“In true fashion, we have invested over EC$100,000 in this year’s Summer Festival through partnerships with our ambassadors and our involvement in different events,” Ms. Reymond stated. “Our ambassadors are Infusion XL and the De Movements Bands. We are sponsoring Ms. Sheerena Richardson, now for over six years, and she will be entering the competition for the solo artiste this year. Our first Ms FLOW for 2016 is Ms. Carencia Rouse, contestant number 4. We are in our sixth year of sponsoring the FLOW Monarch Competition; the fifteenth year sponsoring the Leeward Islands Monarch Competition which is observing its 20th Anniversary. Our sponsorships also include the Eyes Wide Shut event for the second year; the South Valley Festival, a new event for us; and the Parade of Troupes. We have also added B class boats to our portfolio and are sponsoring the Shadow racing boat of Island Harbour.”
Among those at the press conference for the announcement of the sponsorships and comments were Mr. Quincy Gumbs Jr, Manager of Infusion XL and Mr. Jamie Thompson; Nick Romney of De Movements Band; Joan Richardson and Dumpa Martin of the Leeward Islands Calypso Monarch Committee; Ms. Lydia Levans of the South Valley Street Festival; Roy Richardson of the Parade of Troupes; and O’leary Richardson of Eyes Wide Shut.
Mr. John Benjamin, Chairman of the Anguilla Festival Summer Festival Committee, who was among those present, was grateful to FLOW for its partnerships and funding, and looked forward to an enjoyable series of festive events.