A contingent of twenty five Cub Scouts, between the ages of 7 to 12, and their leaders, left the island on Thursday, July 21st to attend the 14th Caribbean Cuboree in Woolford Avenue, Georgetown, Guyana. The theme for this event is “Rays of Fun; Journey as One”. The cuboree runs from July 24th to 30th. The leader of the contingent is AKELA Ethlyn Gumbs, and assistant contingent leaders are AKELAS Merlene Rogers and Heather Reid..
A cuboree occurs every three years and sees Cub Scouts from all over the Caribbean, and for the first time from Poland, participating in training, cultural events, tours and excursions to cultural and historical sites, sporting events, camp fire, concerts, parades, community service, religious observances and Gilwell Reunion.
The Cuboree is a “once in a life time” event for the majority of the cubs. The members of the contingent, along with parents and well-wishers, were able to raise the necessary funds to pay registration fees and airfares for each person and to take care of all meals. The Anguilla Scouts’ Association is grateful to the many businesses and individuals who supported the fundraising activities or donated to this worthy cause. Anguilla is participating in its seventh Cuboree.
– Contributed