and Mr. Kenn Banks
On Wednesday, 20 July, 2016, President, Kenn Banks and Vice President, Cardigan Connor of the Anguilla Commonwealth Games Association (ACGA), handed over a much needed laptop computer to Rudy Webster of the Anguilla Amateur Basketball Association (AABA).
The AABA’s laptop crashed several weeks ago during a game, leaving them to depend on the kindness of members to use their personal laptops to record statistics live, post them online for fans to follow and report the information to FIBA. The AABA’s website: www.anguillabasketball.com also gets all its information directly from the software by synchronizing with the servers after the games when everything is updated.
The new laptop is a 2016 Lenovo 17 inch, high performance laptop, with a 2.7GHz Intel Core i5 processor & 8GB Ram.
Mr Webster said, on behalf of the AABA, “the assistance from the ACGA is much appreciated and we will be forever grateful for the kindness shown to us during a time when fund raising is proving to be difficult.”
President of the ACGA, Kenn Banks said, “I am glad that we were able to assist the AABA in this way and trust that this laptop will help the Association in managing its league games and improving general administration; we are committed to improving the administration of the National Sports Organisations (NSOs). Our office is always available to provide them with administrative support. To this end we will be shortly adding a third computer to our office for the NSO’s use.”
The purchase was made possible through cutbacks made on administrative and office equipment costs by the ACGA over the 2014/2015 budget.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)