Professor Verene Shepherd and Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks

The Office of the Chief Minister and the Ministry of Gender Affairs collaborated to host a Welcome Cocktail Reception in honour of Professor Verene Shepherd of the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS) on Thursday, 14th July 2016. Professor Shepherd was on Anguilla from 14-16 July for the IGDS/UWI Open Campus Distinguished Lecture “Honouring Our Ancestors: Gender, Memorialization & the Reparatory Justice Movement in the Caribbean” as part of the University’s Roaming Professor lecture series.
The Reception, held at La Vue Boutique Hotel, was well attended by a wide cross-section of public and private sector and NGO representatives, including UWI Alumni and UWI Open Campus Staff and Students, leaders of the Methodist and other Church organisations, Education and Anguilla Community College representatives, as well members of the Anguilla National Youth Parliament, the Anguilla National Council of Women and other Women’s organisations, and community members at large with an interest in history and gender.
Opening welcome remarks came from Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks, Manager of the UWI Open Campus British Overseas Territories sites. She also thanked the Honourable Chief Minister and Minister of Gender Affairs for hosting the Reception. She noted that it was an honour to have Professor Shepherd on Anguilla, and for Anguilla to participate in the Roaming Professors Distinguished Lecture Series.
In her address to the large gathering Minister Richardson-Hodge stated it was her pleasure to bring remarks as “we warmly welcome Dr. Verene Shepherd, Professor of Social History and Director of the University of the West Indies Institute for Gender and Development Studies.” “We have a chance tonight to mingle with this phenomenal woman,” said the Minister of Gender Affairs, “and tomorrow, we’ll have her Distinguished Lecture titled “Honouring our Ancestors: Gender and the Reparations Movement in the Caribbean.”
The Minister went on to note that it was “truly a privilege to have Professor Shepherd here in Anguilla as her travels and consultancies span the globe. As Minister with responsibility for Gender, I am particularly interested in her work surrounding the history of Caribbean women (which I’m sure we will hear much more about tomorrow). I personally observe the areas of advancement needed in Anguilla for Gender Affairs; including both the development of our young men and women.”
She noted, however that “we have made numerous strides on our 35-square mile island with the passage of the first Domestic Violence Act, the extension of the United Nations Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the soon-to-be fully established Gender Affairs Unit. Even with these achievements, let’s remember that our greatest work is yet to come,” said Minister Richardson-Hodge. “I am sure that Professor Shepherd will challenge us all to rethink our active roles in gender affairs.”
Mrs. Richardson-Hodge also offered a “special thank you to the Faculty, Administrators and Students of the University of the West Indies Open Campus in Anguilla and especially to our very own, Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks, Manager of the UWI Open Campuses throughout the British Overseas Territories, for facilitating the upcoming lecture.”
She concluded by thanking Professor Shepherd for her “steadfast work in teaching us our history so that we can build a more equitable future” and encouraged everyone to attend the Lecture on Friday evening, noting that we “must all take an interest in gender development in our region and prepare to make our marks in our respective areas of expertise here in Anguilla.”
Minister Richardson-Hodge also joined Dr. Fleming-Banks in presenting Professor Shepherd with a copy of “A Handbook History of Anguilla (Second Edition)” by local historian Colville Petty. Professor Shepherd responded by thanking the Minister and the large number of guests for such a warm and generous welcome. She also applauded Dr. Fleming-Banks for organising the lecture in Anguilla and commended Minister Richardson-Hodge on the achievements made in Anguilla’s gender relations since the start of her term as Minister of Gender.
The evening continued with lively music, delicious hors d’oeuvres and stimulating conversation.
– Press Release