Authentic Malliouhana Genre was born on 31st May 2015 in Chicago, USA, where I had gone to spend some time with my daughter. 31st May was my birthday but because of the inclement weather I was forced to celebrate it indoors instead of outdoors. Thus my children Ensor (Jr) and Hazel Gumbs, along with my cousin (Lyn Richardson) and I, visited a “Wine and Paint” Studio to enjoy an hour of painting and drinking wine.
For that hour all persons present, about forty of us, were to follow instructions on how to paint a water tank on stilts. While that was one of my birthday gifts, the image that I was assigned to paint did not excite me. Reluctant to paint it, I surveyed the room and observed a poster – on one of the walls – that appeared to be a burnt tree. I pointed this out to the facilitator and asked if it would be possible for me to paint what was on the poster. She advised that this was not the focus of the evening and it would not be possible.
I informed her that I was prepared to try it on my own. She went on to ask if I had ever drawn anything before. I replied: “No”. She asked: “Have you painted before”? Again the answer was: “No”. Her third question was: “have you mixed paint before”? To this my answer was again, “No”. Based on my responses she said, “well then you would not be able to do it”. I told her I was prepared to try the poster (of the burnt tree) on my own and that I would not disturb her by seeking assistance. I was prepared to enjoy my birthday gift experimenting on what I felt I wanted to do and be happy with the outcome, be it bad or good. So I started working on the burnt tree depicted on the poster.
My new venture started out with great uncertainty but at the end of the hour, to my great satisfaction, I was quite pleased and filled with euphoria. I had completed the painting with a high resemblance of the poster. My children and my cousin shared my joy. But I must admit that their paintings also looked quite well.
However, curious about my achievement I decided the following night – at home – to try painting another image. Again, I was quite happy with the outcome and shared it with my children, my cousin and a few persons in Anguilla via e-mail. The feedback was positive and everyone appeared to be amazed about the quality and the details of my work. The seed for the creation of Authentic MAlliouhana Genre (MAG) was immediately sown. I told my children and my cousin: “I am going back to Anguilla to paint”. On my return to Anguilla, I anxiously began work on some bird houses, some 4×4 canvasses, and the rest is history.
In less than one year, at the Annual Welches Fest on 16th May 2016, I had my first public showing with some 95 paintings depicting the history of Anguilla. This was an awesome experience, one which I would never forget. At that point I realized that my long nights at my painting desk and easel were not in vain because I received very good reviews from local, regional and international well wishers, who viewed the paintings.
I give thanks to God Almighty, my children and Ensor Gumbs (Sr), and Tatlin Fider (my friend in Jamaica) who put up with me sending e-mails at least three nights a week – between the hours of 1.00 am to 3.00 am- to get some feedback. Even though I had decided that I will paint, I wanted constructive criticism on every single painting. I thought it not only important, but also critical to get the views of others.
I must point out that my first public showing would not have been possible without the support of family and friends, but more so Mr. Garfield Simon who built the frames, Claude Gumbs and Dennis Romney(Bush Tea) who, without any fuss, provided great support with the display of the art at the Welches Fest. I also wish to extend sincere thanks to Eula Bartlette, Florence Harrigan, Denise Romney, Monique Rey, Ensor Gumbs (Sr), Victor and Angelene Carty, Cheryl Hughes and Linda O Banks for their unwavering support and encouragement. A big thank you is also in order to Mr. Othlyn Vanterpool and the Welches Fest Committee for allowing me to display my art work at the festival.
To my two loving and caring children, Ensor (Jr) and Hazel Gumbs, my sincere thanks for the most wonderful 2015 birthday gift. I will utilize it and make you proud. My sincere gratitude.