Thirteen persons completed the workshop on Managing for Development Results for Business Support Organizations in Anguilla (MfDR) which was held during the period April 12 – 14, 2016 at the Soroptimist Center.
The workshop was facilitated by Mrs. Janice Richardson and Mrs. Andrea Duncan who were trained at a CDB Sub-Regional workshop for Cooperating Institutions of the technical division, Caribbean Technological Consultancy Network (CTCS).
The participants were drawn from a cross-section of officers who are engaged in the design and implementation of development activities for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), including The Ministry of Finance, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Department of Youth and Culture, The Anguilla Social Security Board, The HOPE Center, The CARE Center, The Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, The National Youth Council and The ADB.
The workshop was in response to the requirements of the CTCS network to measure, monitor and report results in relation to various interventions which require reporting on actions in respect of CDB’s strategic objectives. The reporting must be evidenced by measurable and sustainable results, hence the workshop aimed to achieve the following:
• Equip participants with knowledge and understanding of key MfDR tools based on international practice;
• Outline a common approach to MfDR that best addresses a business development strategy for MSMEs;
• provide participants with tools and methodologies to measure, monitor and report results in a gender-sensitive way; and
• Assist participants in designing Results Monitoring Frameworks.
The workshop activities included many interactive sessions and participants were able to look at specific projects. Speaking on behalf of the participants Mr. Carlton Pickering expressed gratitude for the valuable information imparted and indicated that the techniques are applicable in many aspects of project development.
The Manager of ADB Mrs. Althea Hodge commended the facilitators and the participants for the accomplishments as evidenced in the interactive sessions and presentations. She also urged them to continue the process of information gathering in this area as well as the need to utilize the knowledge within their respective organisations and to support each other. The invaluable information highlighted that the steps and processes from inputs to impact illustrate the need for organized thinking, the relating of activities to investment, setting objectives and analyzing the risks, making assumptions and monitoring the progress towards achievement, which is a worthwhile practice to ensure success of any project.
– Press Release