The Department of Information and Broadcasting – Radio Anguilla is currently celebrating its 47th anniversary with a week of activities.
The activities began on Saturday 9th April, the station’s actual anniversary date, with the Director, Ms. Farrah Banks, reading to the children during ‘Saturday Storytime’ at the Anguilla Public Library.
On Sunday, officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, which has responsibility for Radio Anguilla, joined management and staff at worship at St. Augustine’s Anglican Church in East End followed by brunch at Zemi Beach House.
On Tuesday, the staff at Radio Anguilla visited and read to the residents of the Miriam Gumbs and Tender Loving Care Senior Citizens Homes.
The Department also organized a Primary School Reading Competition, for Grade 5 students, which was held at the Teachers’ Resource Center on Wednesday.
“We at Radio Anguilla believe that, in our everyday lives, more emphasis needs to be placed on reading. Over many years, we have noticed that it has become a challenge to find persons with great reading skills,” says Ms Banks.
According to Ms. Banks, “better reading leads to more understanding. The ability to comprehend what you have read or heard can determine whether or not you are successful in life. This is a problem that we have been facing in Anguilla recently. So, as we focus on outreach, this year, we have decided to take matters into our own hands and make reading in the community the highlight of our 47th Anniversary activities.”
Thursday was dubbed Throw Back Thursday and featured old programmes and broadcasts throughout the day.
On Friday staff will visit and read at the other two Senior Citizens Homes – Rose Wood Centre and Just Tender Care.
The Zone, the station’s Friday morning talk programme, will also broadcast live from the Just Tender Care Home from 9.00 am to 10.00 am.
Friday is also dedicated to former Radio Anguilla employee, Mr. Kevin “Music Master” Richardson, whose birthday is on April 15th. He died in 2004. Mr. Richardson’s station intro for Radio Anguilla has been played each morning this week as the station began transmission as a tribute in his honour.