Two benefits have emerged from a week-long training programme conducted in Anguilla by specialist trainers from the United States. Firstly, some ninety-three employees of the Health Authority have gained further insights into their particular field and how best to deliver their services to the public. Secondly, members of the public seeking healthcare from those workers, stand to benefit much from their improved services.
The training for Doctors (medical and dental), Nurses, Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics was facilitated last week by Global Medical Emergency Training Inc. with highly-qualified instructors mainly from Howard University in Washington DC. Seven course participants were re-certified as EMTs; two were certified as Paramedics; 27 undertook the Advanced Cardiac component of the course; 25 participated in the Paediatric Advanced Life Support training; and 15 took part in the Neonatal Resuscitation training. They all received certificates from the American Heart Association.
Mr. George Brown, Chief Executive Officer with the Health Authority of Anguilla, said that in addition to the training, the instructors were asked – when inspecting the health facilities – to take note of any gaps they found, how those gaps could be addressed, and to refer them to him for corrective action. “This is because we are growing and transforming, and we know what some of the gaps are,” he explained at the certificate presentation ceremony at the Teachers’ Resource Centre on Friday, February 19. He was grateful to Mrs. Meridith Gumbs, Director of Human Resources, and her team, for organising the training; to the participants for attending the sessions; and the instructors for conducting the course.

Dr. Wendell Jones, a representative of Global Medical Educational Training, stressed that the course was of particular benefit to healthcare in Anguilla. He joined in thanking Mrs. Gumbs and Mrs. Doreen Gumbs-Vines, a member of the visiting medical team, for their assistance in coordinating the training. He told the course participants: “All of you are very important in delivering the best healthcare in Anguilla. Everybody is depending on this – those who live here and those who visit the island. I thank everyone for a very valuable experience. We not only teach, but we learn something. Thank you for not only giving us the opportunity to teach, but also to learn from you.”
Mrs. Doreen Gumbs-Vines, whose grandfather was from The Valley, Anguilla, expressed delight for having been part of the training course. Based in Washington DC, she is a Nationally-registered Paramedic; a Certified Public Manager; and an Instructor in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Basic Life Support. She also teaches EMTs and Paramedics.
Mrs. Gumbs-Vines, who is known in Anguilla, described the training in an interview with The Anguillian as follows: “All of the courses are standardised courses and guidelines. The idea is for the medical and health personnel in Anguilla to apply them to how they would work best for them. It was an exciting time. Everyone was engaged, questions were answered, and we were able to use modern technology to do online components before doing the modules test – and a review – followed by a skills session practice. What I liked most about the training is that it allowed for the Health Authority of Anguilla to be able to keep its personnel trained in a way that it did not affect its operations. That is because we brought everything here and so the service was not disrupted – and that was an advantage.”
She added: “As I told you before, my grandfather is from Anguilla so I am passionate about coming here to give back, and I love doing so.”