Children of Israel, Descendants of Africans who were conquered and enslaved not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually, I come to you with a message a message given to me to give to you from someone higher than all of us who is God. And when I say God, I don’t mean Jesus. I mean the God that created Jesus Christ and all that was created before man existed.
We as his chosen people have to realize that even though, we were emancipated physically, by the removal of the chains from our hands and feet, there is another form of slavery that is still controlling us. When we were conquered we did not only lose our physical freedom. They also took away our mind to think free and forced upon us knowledge that they wanted us to have. They also took away a free spirit which was connected to, and controlled by, our God the creator of the universe.
Until we realize this, we will remain a foolish people – thinking that we are living in heaven, or going to heaven, when in fact lack of this realization will only keep us living in this hell and destined for the unimaginable hell. We cannot know where we should go unless we understand where we came from. Jesus came to let us know that there is a God. He did not tell us that he is God – he mentioned his father who lived in heaven. If you realize these things, you too can be emancipated from the mental and spiritual control of wicked men who don’t believe in God the creator. May blessings be stored on all who hear and believe.
Colonization is the acquisition of foolish information by human being from those who conquered them and made their country a colony. Wisdom is the realization by the human beings that the brain is not only for remembering but also for producing and creating that which is good or of God.