Five Teachers in Anguilla have been accorded high commendation for successfully completing the Associate Degree Programme in Education from the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies.
The newly-certified Teachers are Ms. Deverelle Edwards and Ms. Trevolyn Richards of the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School; Mrs.Lorelle Richardson-Cockburn of The Valley Primary School; Mrs. Malica Smith-Connor of the Orealia Kelly Primary School; and Ms. Marlene Thomas of the Morris Vanterpool Primary School.
They are the first teachers in Anguilla to have received Associate Degrees since the University of the West Indies upgraded the previous Teacher Training Certificate Programme to Degree level. Their studies, which covered between two-and-a-half years to three years, were coordinated by Mr. Charles Connor then Education Officer,
Professional Development. Now retired from the Education Department, since August 2015, he serves as Principal of the privately-run Central Christian School.
The degrees were presented to the graduates on Saturday evening, February 6, at a Convocation Ceremony at the gaily-decorated Teachers’ Resource Centre. The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Michael Skellekie, Principal of the Morris Vanterpool Primary School.

Chief Education Officer, Mrs. Rhonda Connor, commended the teachers for their dedication and commitment to become qualified in their profession. She said that by their success they “represented the promise for quality teaching and quality education for our students.” She added: “The Department of Education thank you for choosing teaching – that noble profession – and we extend our heartiest congratulations to you on your achievement. Personally, I am so proud of you.”
Ms. Michelle Queeley, President of the Anguilla Teachers’ Union, told the teachers in part: “I want to admonish you not to take your training lightly. You are, I believe, in a better position than you were two-and-half years ago to impart the requisite knowledge and skills to the children in your care. You are better equipped to shape attitudes and transmit positive values to those children. The Associate Degree is not meant to be a piece of accessory to be added to your collection. It is not about having bragging rights. To whom much is given, much is expected.”
She pledged that the Teachers’ Union would support the Teachers in their classroom responsibilities in anyway it could.
Mrs. Chanelle Petty Barrett, Permanent Secretary, Education, congratulated the Teachers on behalf of the Ministry. She said: “Teachers, I applaud the commitment, discipline and perseverance that you demonstrated in seeing this programme to a successful completion. I am sure you all would have made many personal sacrifices along the way – and in some cases your family had to make some adjustments – but I trust that you will all agree it was well worth it. The Ministry of Education remains committed to providing the highest quality education for our students. At such, we are prepared to invest in teacher-training and development. We have made a significant investment in you, and we are pleased that you have seized that opportunity and ensured that the investment did not go to waste.
“When you are successful, or committed to being successful…it sends a message to our Government that you are serious about your professional goal; that you appreciate the investment that was made in you; and that you recognise the added value that Teachers can offer by improving their knowledge and skills. It also sets an example to our students that learning is an on-going process; that success requires hard work; and that success in education is valued by our community. All of you, and all those who are still working hard towards completion, have not only made us proud, but have made our country, our schools, your families, and yourselves proud. But I would warn you: your success is not only measured by your completion of this training programme, but also by what you will do with what you have learnt.”
The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Phyllis Fleming Banks, Manager, UWI Open Campus for the British Overseas Territories, who is stationed in Anguilla, her homeland. She spoke on the theme for the Convocation Ceremony: Fulfil Your Passion: Live Your Dreams. She thought it was a fitting theme to celebrate the success of the five teachers. She stressed that in order for them to be effective, and survive in their noble profession, “there must be that calling, that innate desire to teach.”
She pointed out: “It must be part of your dreams and aspirations. In fact, in today’s world, in our rapidly-changing societies, where once-held sacred behavioural norms are constantly evolving, those of us who stand in front of our nation’s classrooms must be compelled, must be driven, by that burning desire to teach.” She further pointed out that: “We find that this passion, once kindled, will continue to burn even within those who may have used teaching as a steppingstone, or may have moved …because those who are called still find a way to teach.”
Dr. Fleming-Banks informed the teachers that the celebration of their achievements was a reminder to them, and everybody else, “of the importance of discovering our passion and using all the resources available to us, and within us, in order that we develop ourselves so that we can live out our dreams. Our students and our communities are depending on us for this.”
The UWI official gave the teachers various bits of useful advice about how to carry out their functions, and how to observe such important social matters as relaxation, laughter and sleep. She concluded her address as follows: “Celebrate your achievement; cherish this moment and indeed every other moment when our students or someone else say to you: ‘Thank you for your passion, thank you for sharing and realising your dreams – thank you for teaching.’”.
During the ceremony, the graduating teachers made individual as well as group presentations, including their reflections on their studies and the assistance they were given by the Coordinator, Mr. Connor. Their Degrees were distributed to them by Mr. Connor who was assisted by Mrs. Susan Smith, Education Officer, Primary and Pre-primary Education.