The biggest event in Anguilla this week, which caught the news headlines, was the Open House Party at Zemi Beach House Resort & Spa at Shoal Bay East. The crowd was exceeding large, excited, attentive and inquistive. That was righty so partly because the island’s newest tourism project is beyond expectations, an extremely beautifully-developed area of over six acres overlooking and opening up to one of the world’s best beaches. Not a piece of the land is wasted or neglected. It is all part of an admirable full-scale development, carefully designed and complementing the environment and cultural history of the area. It is one of those projects that bring pride, class and respect to Anguilla and its people – not forgetting the developers.
The milling crowd had every reason to be estatic because it has been a very long time since Anguilla has not seen any new development coming to fruition and offering some hope of economic progress, sustainability and job creation. Certainly the faces of the 80-plus Anguillian employees radiated that hope as they stood sentinel over their guiding stations, served as tour guides, or delightfully served the visitors. What is more is that the visitors – a mixture of residents and others were overwhelmed to hear the announcement by Mr.Jeffrey Goldstein, Partner in the Family Partnership, that Zemi Beach House Resort & Spa will operate on a 12-month basis – a year round tourism accommodation service that should bring much benefit to Anguilla, based on new marketing strategies and an obvious desire and need to see an improvement of the industry and tourist numbers.
As such, Zemi Beach has sounded a clarion call to other properties in Anguilla to follow suit – for why should our lovely and appealing resorts go through a closed period when other hotels in the Caribbean remain open, attracting tourists and other visitors from all over the world? If we in Anguilla have ventured into tourism as a vehicle to develop our economy, and boost the livelihood of our people, we should have a wholehearted and confident approach to the industry and embark on the necessary marketing programmes and national events to sustain such an endeavour. The applause of the vast crowd to Mr. Goldstein’s announcement was well in order and appreciated.
While we are on the subject of tourism development, we are in agreement with the Opposition Leader, Ms. Palmavon Webster, that Zemi Beach House Resort & Spa is a big plus at Shoal Bay East. It is in a neighbouring area, along the northern and eastern coastlines, where more tourism development is either taking place or is being contemplated. At the same time, we have taken note that the 80-room Reef Hotel by CuisnArt, on the southwestern coastline, and in the island’s tourism belt, is nearing completion with November coming as its opening date. We are also looking forward to this added upmarket property on the fringes of one of the best golf courses in the Caribbean and the multi benefits it will have for tourism development – economic and employment generation.
There is usually some chat about which Government – past or present – is responsible achieving the development projects in Anguilla. Though it may carry some weight or influence – in political party or propaganda circles – the fact is that every Government has the responsibility to bring about development in Anguilla and to look after the interests of all the people of the island. The excitement, hope and unity surrounding the Zemi Beach project needs to be reflected in all efforts of development and governance in Anguilla, including approaching and solving the current budgetary and banking sector situation confronting the Government and people of the island.
Certainly, if a once rugged, ugly, rock and bush-strewn terrain area, at Shoal Beach East can be transformed into a magnicifient project like Zemi Beach Resort & Spa, by the collective efforts of a number of players, then the dire challenging situation in Anguilla, mentioned above, will one day soon end in success and delight with the involvement and togetherness of the populace and others. Plus the enabling grace and direction of Almighty God. There is, therefore, reason for unity and hope.