Large quantities of relief supplies were shipped from Anguilla and over EC$35,000.00 was raised to support Dominica in its recovery after TS Ericka
Following the devastation of the Commonwealth of Dominica after the passing of TS Ericka in August 2015, a team of Dominicans living on Anguilla formed a relief team dubbed the ‘Nature Islanders Club, the Dominica Relief Team’ with the purpose of raising funds and gathering supplies to support those most in need in Dominica.
The Dominica Relief Team received overwhelming support from the residents and visitors on Anguilla, and with this support, within days of its formation; the team was able to send much needed emergency supplies into Dominica on a chartered flight coordinated by Mr. Quincy Gumbs and Anguilla Air Services.
In September and November, the team, in collaboration with the Anguilla Red Cross was also able to ship two 20 foot containers completed with medical supplies and other donated relief items into Dominica.
In October 2015, the team supported a sole party in sending much needed food items, furniture and home appliances to specific villages in Dominica. All items donated by the Anguillian community.
From September through November, to aid in our relief efforts, various organisations, private individuals and businesses facilitated a number of fundraising activities. The team takes this opportunity to particularly thank Flavours Restaurant for hosting a Dominica Benefit Dinner, The Pump House for hosting a Support Dominica Bingo Night, all those who donated towards the Dominica With Love Relief Concert, to the various churches where special services were held in solidarity with the people of Dominica and to all those who provided psycho-social support to Dominicans living on Anguilla.

The Optimist Club and owners of the Ruthwill Auditorium and Gazebo, were eager to make their meeting spaces available to collect relief items, and for this, the team is truly grateful.
The Rotary Club of Anguilla worked closely with the Dominica Relief Team from the inception. All funds raised and financial contributions made in aid of Dominica were deposited into the Rotary Club’s EC account at Anguilla’s Caribbean Commercial Bank.
The Dominica Relief Team is pleased to announce that approximately EC$35,016.00 was collected. Fund will go towards the purchase of stationery and other school supplies to all Primary and Secondary Schools in Dominica, as well as to the Calls Centre; a centre which targets vulnerable youth in Dominica. The Dominica Relief Team is partnering with Jays Books Store in Dominica to facilitate the distribution of school supplies. A percentage of the funds collected will also go towards a community project in Dominica. To support that community project, the Anguilla Rotary Club has also made an additional contribution of EC$2,000.00. Upon finalising details, the project will be led by members of the Anguilla and Dominica Rotary Clubs.
The Dominica Relief Team is grateful for all the support received. The team expresses sincere gratitude to the Government and the people of Anguilla.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)