Elected Member for District 1, and Leader of the Opposition in the Anguilla House of Assembly, Ms. Palmavon Webster, fielded a number of written questions when the House met on Tuesday, November 3.
For the national record, the questions were as follows:
“Question: 1
The Honourable Member for Island Harbour to put the following question to the Honorable Member for Road South, the Minister for Infrastructure, Communication, Utilities, Housing, Agriculture and Fisheries:
WHEREAS the people of District 1 and the people of Anguilla as a whole have relied upon the commitment in the Anguilla United Front’s 2015 Manifesto to stimulate employment and new jobs in traditional industries including Fishing and the Seafood Industry and to promote Fish and sea food processing.
TO ASK the Honorable Minister of Infrastructure, Communications, Utilities & Housing:
(a) what progress has he made towards improving the lot of Anguilla’s existing fishing industry?
(b) when will the government abolish the surcharge on fuel for fishermen?
(c) how does he propose to secure access to capital for investment in fishing equipment and boats? and
(d) what arrangements has he made for the provision of a supply of fresh water to the wharf in Island harbor for use by the fishermen?
Question: 2
The Honourable Member for Island Harbour to put the following question to the Honorable Member for Valley South, the Chief Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Investments and Tourism:
WHEREAS the following resolution was passed on the 22nd day of September 2015:
“That the Honorable Minister of Finance appoint a committee of the whole House, to deal with the issues which affect the indigenous banking sector and ensure that all relevant information including proposals for the resolution of the issue be made available to the committee”.
TO ASK the Honorable Minister of Finance:
(a) when he intends to convene the said committee;
(b) why all relevant information, including proposals for the resolution of the issue, has not been made available to members of the committee, consistently with the foregoing resolution; and
(c) what is the basis for his stated preference that the two banks should be merged, contrary to the known wishes of the people, including shareholders of the two institutions.”