The sixteenth annual vector awareness open day was held at the Environmental Health Unit grounds on Thursday, 1st October 2015. This year’s theme was formulated by a student of the Central Christian Preschool, Aaron Campbell. It reads: “Extra Extra read all About it, Bed Bugs are Here, But Don’t Be Scared Be Prepared”.
Senior Vector Control Officer, Alex Fleming, spoke to The Anguillian newspaper: “Each year we choose a different pest. We chose bed bugs this year although it is not in Anguilla, but we have to educate the public about it in case an outbreak was to occur in Anguilla”.
Collin Browne and Regnold Hewitt, representatives from the Pan-American Health Organization, were present at the open day.
Activities for the month include church service, radio quiz, preschool jingle competition, the Stanley Mussington essay competition, Best Kept Cemetery competition, spelling B and walkathon.