Mr. Quincy Gumbs and his wife are working with Nature Islanders Club, along with other stakeholders in Anguilla in the Dominica Relief effort. The Government of Dominica has appealed for supplies catering to the needs of women and children following the passage of Tropical Storm Erika.
Buki’s Trucking transported the relief supplies to the airport to be flown to Dominica by the Anguilla Air Services.
In a short statement to the press, Mr. Gumbs said, “An appeal went out two nights ago and we were monitoring the Prime Ministers address to the nation and we picked up that appeal. Here we are 24hrs later. We have just dispatched just under 1500 lbs of relief supply to Dominica”.
Mr. Gumbs noted that there is a very high concentration of children and baby supplies as well as medical supplies, some of which were for adults. He is very pleased with the local response, saying, “This was donated largely by a number of businesses and some of the supplies collected by the Dominica Association here…Tuesday evening I went to the Gazebo and it was a frenzy with people delivering stuff. I am very pleased with the private citizen response to the appeal in Dominica”. Mr. Gumbs also made mention of his aim to help rebuild three churches in Dominica. His has ministered in the island as a Baptist missionary after Hurricane David in 1979.

The plane carrying the supplies landed at Canefield Airport, since the main airport has been badly damaged by the storm. The Pilot flying into Dominica on AAS was John Charlery of St. Lucia. Mr. Charley has been working for Anguilla Air Services for four years.
Anguilla Air Services, operated by Carl Avery Thomas, has been in existence for nine years. Mr. Thomas has been a pilot for twenty nine years. AAS made its first trip to Dominica, on Wednesday 2nd August, since the passage of Tropical Storm Erika.