The Island Harbour community and, indeed, the rest of Anguilla, received, with much sadness and shock, the news of the sudden passing of one of the island’s proud and well-accomplished young daughters – Mrs. Kimdra Smith Webster. She died in New Jersey, in the United States, in the early hours of Monday, August 24. Together, she and her husband, Mr. Matthew (Mick) Webster, are the parents of three young children.
The Anguillian Scientist, who would have been 38 on September 1, was the daughter of Norma Wilson of Sandy Hill and Euton “Smitty” Smith of Island Harbour, granddaughter of Jane Anastacia Wilson and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Maclean Webster.
Kimdra and Mick have long been owners of businesses in the United States where they resided and lived, but have been returning to Anguilla occasionally. Kimdra has been the scientific mind behind the couple’s newest business – the well-known Anguilla Sea Salt Company which comprises a Miniature Golf Project and which has brought much attraction to Island Harbour and Anguilla in general.
Kimdra was one of Anguilla’s brilliant young women, holding Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Biology from Seton Hall University in New Jersey. Her outstanding academic prowess has landed her a number of highly-recognised positions in the United States including travelling assignments to other countries across the world.
Her internet profile details a number of her appointments and responsibilities. Her track record includes such positions as Technical Associate/Lab Supervisor and Senior Research Scientist –Global Microbiology at Colgate-Palmolive. An inventor, she has also been listed among a number of owners of registered patents for oral care products. She has been working with various scientific colleagues and companies and was in contact with millions of other professionals sharing connections, ideas and opportunities. She will be sorely missed among that company of eminent and highly-respected professionals.
The Anguillian offers heartfelt condolences to all the distressed family members of this fine and greatly-admired young lady.