On Friday, July 24, 2015, Kingdom Awakening Dance Ministry hosted a dance showcase at the JC Recreational Centre under the theme ‘Step into Your Dream’. The boot camp lasted from July 20-24, 2015, which specialized in proper dance technique, terminology and history. Kingdom Awakening Dance Ministry was founded by Mrs. Janet Connor of Christian Fellowship Church. The mission of Kingdom Awakening Dance Ministry is to empower men and women, young and old, to fulfill their God-given purpose and destiny in Kingdom. Mrs. Connor said, “When you are awakened, you can arise and step out in faith to pursue their dreams and purpose. It is time that you step into your dream and do all that God has destined for you to do. When you set your goals, set them high, think big thoughts and dream big dreams.”
The workshop consisted of two parts, the technique training and spiritual application. The technique sessions were thought by instructors Dwight Thompson, who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in dance and is the founder of MYACT Dance Studios based in Miami, Florida. Together with his two children, Dava and Davin Thompson, also members of MYACT, they thought the various groups, which included children, teens and adults. The training mainly focused on dance styles/techniques in contemporary, lyrical, liturgical and hip-hop. Georgia Matthew and Velma Brooks taught the dancers from a spiritual point of view, seven steps to “Step Into Your Dream. First have Dream, Second, Believe it by activating Trust, Hope and Faith in God. Third, See it by creating vision posters. Then Forth, Tell it to people you trust that will hold you accountable. Fifth, you must Plant it, get your blueprints of what you will accomplish. Sixth, Work it, you must do the work. If it is hard, take a rest, but get back up and keep doing it, don’t ever quit. Lastly, Enjoy it, be generous and give back.

The boot camp had an impressive turn out with over 100 participants in total, who got the opportunity to show friends and family what was thought in a few dance selections. The audience was excited and surprised to see how much was taught in a space of a few days as well as the execution of the dance techniques. The MYACT dance team also ministered in dance, which was an overwhelming reception from all 199 in attendance. Each participant was awarded a certificate of completion and a gift bag in recognition of their hard work and dedication at the Kingdom Awakening Dance Boot Camp Workshop.

Kingdom Awakening Dance Ministry would like to thank all parents, guardians, aunts and uncles who sent the children out as well as all the participants of the dance workshop and wishes to see you again, next year for the 2016 Kingdom Awakening Dance Boot Camp. And don’t forget our Third Annual Kingdom Awakening Dance Conference , which will be held November 4-8, 2015.
The response was so well received that Kingdom Awakening will continue dance classes on Saturdays at the JC Recreational Centre. For more information contact Janet Connor -582-6221, Georgia Matthew – 584-3299 and Shiren Paul – 581-0017.
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)