The hurricane season is here again and, in order to mitigate the impact of any disaster, the National Disaster Management Committee has partnered with various public and private sector agencies to execute the annual National Multi-Agency Simulation Exercise, under the theme ‘There is no Substitute for Safety’.
The exercise, formulated to test all the elements of emergency plans, was conducted on Friday 24 July at Long Path. As Mr Schreiber, CEO of Digicel, remarked: “Regular simulation exercises, like this, are important to assess if our disaster response mechanisms are effective, and if further improvements need to be made.” Mr Reid, Deputy Governor, in his comments said that, “Disaster management efforts can only be successful if public and private sector entities coordinate their efforts and cooperate to ensure that mitigation measures are implemented prior to a disaster event, and that there are timely and appropriate responses following a disaster event.”
During the exercise there were crews from ANGLEC, LIME, Caribbean Cable/Digicel, Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications, Utilities, Housing, Agriculture and Fisheries (MICUHAF), the Water Corporation of Anguilla (WCA) and Emergency Response Agencies – Police, Fire and Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, and the Department of Disaster Management. (Officers from the visiting RFA Lyme Bay also played an active role.) The various crews assumed positions, received appropriate commands and proceeded to engage in the various activities. Traffic was diverted, power outages were done in the affected area, trees were trimmed and there was the removal and planting of poles, transfer of power lines and telecommunications cables and services.