With chairs completely covered in gleaming white material, in a well-decorated, expansive and crowded auditorium, and with a new stage, the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School held its 2015 Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, July 1.
“A graduation ceremony is always a special occasion,” said the Principal, Mrs. Tracelyn Hamilton, who is in her first year at the school having been transferred from the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School at Island Harbour. “The ceremony is a culmination of seven years of hard work for our students who have achieved a level of success for the goals they have set.”
Mrs. Hamilton continued: “I am fortunate to have been your principal for your final year at this institution. During this time, though short, we all agree that we have experienced moments that will be fondly remembered in the years ahead. On the other hand, we have also encountered some trials and challenges along the way, but we soldiered on and came out stronger in the end.”
The trials and challenges she spoke about included the rat-infestation, leaking roofs and mildewed walls she met at the school which resulted in its delayed re-opening in September 2014 pending urgent refurbishing work. While construction work is in progress on a government-funded new classroom block, Mrs. Hamilton has been able, with various private members of the community, and the support of her staff and a number of parents, to build a new stage for the school, thereby replacing the previous termite-eaten one.
In urging the thirty-six graduates to “Stand Tall, Believe, Conquer and Achieve” as the theme of the celebration stated, the Principal had some choice advice for parents, guardians, other family members and friends. “I encourage you to continue to give the necessary guidance and support to the graduates. Don’t graduate out of their lives. Rather, be their guide, mentor, support and friend. This is the time they will need more of you.” She further advised them to ensure that the children “continue to grasp every opportunity to participate in the activities at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School” which they will be attending from September.
The keynote speaker was Mr. Remeiko Richards, a past student, known for his success in music and for his aspiration to be a minister of religion. Using line images and lettering he showed the graduating students how they can advance in life and achieve much success in their education.
The Valedictory Speech was delivered by Joselin Maxwell, one of three students who achieved outstanding CPEA (Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment) Results. The other CPEA achievers were Pierre-Jai Lake, who was also selected as Salutatorian, and Quesnea Connor.
The school’s Academic top grades and awardees were – Outstanding Academics: Quesnea Connor, Kyara Brooks, Leisann Vanterpool and Lydecia Laud; Most Outstanding Mathematics: Joselin Maxell: Most Outstanding in Mathematics and Language; Most Outstanding in Social Studies: Quesnea Connor; Most Outstanding in Science: Pierre-Jai Lake; Most Outstanding in ICT (Information Communications Technology); Lydecia Laud; Academic Improvement: Johnel Cobb; Academic Improvement: Clauonye Romney; and Learning Special Award: Carlin Richardson.
There were various other awards to students for outstanding performance in athletics, basketball, cricket, football, netball, volleyball, cricket and cycling; and there were also character awards for other students.
It was a very thorough and all-embracing graduation ceremony. The principal and staff ensured that all community persons were awarded, or otherwise acknowledged, for their contributions to the school.
The ceremony, chaired by Ms. Susan Hodge, was enhanced by a number of presentations by the school’s choir. The singing was directed by Music Teacher, Mrs Lois Hazell-Carbon, after whose father the school was named.