Work is in progress on the grounds of the Scouts and Guides Ruthwill Auditorium which should, hopefully, result in a well-improved, attractive and useful area in The Valley. This should be of interest to both the nearby St. Mary’s Anglican Church and the wider community in general.
Aside from the aesthetical and environmental features, the refined area is primarily intended to solve a problem: stopping water cascading from the surrounding paved areas during heavy rainfall and flooding the churchyard, much to the inconvenience of worshippers.
Bishop Errol Brooks told The Anguillian that it was a project decided on by the Church some time ago, and was now being implemented. He explained that on occasions the flood waters would reach the level of the first of the flight of steps leading to the main entrance and exit to and from the Church. “You know how it is with ladies and their shoes,” he joked. But, according to him, it is a serious problem which needs be addressed – the only lucky thing is the prolonged drought being experienced on the island.
The preventive work and refining of the area are being undertaken by Mr. Leonidas Carty of CLM Heavy Equipment ,of South Valley, whose paid services St. Mary’s Church has employed. The work entails the removal of partly submerged, but protruding, rocks in various parts of the area; the applying of layers of grades of soil; and the surfacing of the two main entrances to the area to avoid an erosion of the material. The built-up area itself will not be paved, creating, it is hoped, a denseness to absorb as much of the water flowing onto the grounds as possible. But that’s not all. Provision is being made, according to the contractor, to direct the excess water along the main road to the vicinity of the agricultural land to the north. Mr. Carty has sought and obtained the advice of personnel from the Department of Infrastructure on how to proceed with some aspects of the work.
Aside from preventing the flooding of the churchyard, when completed the area should also enhance the Church itself, the historic old Boys’ School, now refurbished, the Scouts and Guides Ruthwill Auditorium and the gazebo. It should also better facilitate the holding of events and the public parking of vehicles.