The results of the annual All Hazard Risk Reduction and Safety Fair 2015 are in. The ‘Prize and Awards Ceremony’, a partnership between Scotiabank and the Essential Services Sub-Committee was held on June 23 at the Viceroy Hotel. The committee, under the auspices of the Department for Disaster Preparedness, has judged the various safety booths from last week’s competition, which was held on Friday 19 June at the grounds of the Agriculture Department, under the theme “There is no substitute for safety”. A number of booths were involved in the competition and winners of different categories were selected.
The overall winner was The Anguilla Fire and Rescue Services, who was awarded the first prize which comprised of a ‘Superior Safety Certificate of Recognition’ a “Superior Safety Presentation Medal and various prizes. Prize Two was awarded to the Department of Health Protection: the ‘Safety Excellence Medal’, ‘Certificate of Commendation – For the Best Safety Demonstration’ and various prizes. Nutrition and Health Promotion picked up the third prize, which was the ‘Star Safety Award Certificate’, the ‘Star Safety Medal’ and various gifts. The Fourth Prize was won by Viceroy Hotel, which won the “Certificate of Recognition’ and ‘Positive Prevention Award’ and various gifts.
According to Mr Alwyn Richardson, of the Department of Disaster Preparedness, “The objective of these incentive recognition initiatives, is to show appreciation and build continuity in ensuring that the presentations and demonstrations remain at a high standard, effective, innovative and reach the target audience. Recognition motivates others to strive for excellence and we all benefit from it.’ He encouraged more private institutions to support these initiatives, thus ensuring a culture of safety on Anguilla.
In her remarks, Ms Pamela Herbert Daniel, General Manager Scotia Bank, said that “Well planned safety and health programmes improve the company’s image, its position in the labour market and customer satisfaction. It is expected that the Health and Safety Fairs will raise awareness and encourage workers and employees to change their behavior, and to adopt and promote health and safety approaches.” She urged the participants to continue to be actively involved, so that “we can sustain long working life for healthy and safe environments for all groups of workers.”