On Friday, May 22, a group of 3rd-6th grade students at Omololu International School were introduced to the basics of computer programming and computer science in a workshop given by Mrs. Pauline Maas from the Netherlands. All over the world many initiatives are taken to let young students get acquainted with coding (computer programming) with the aim to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. Coding helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path.
Mrs. Maas first started with a “deplugged workshop”, meaning that students did a group assignment on programming without using the computer. Afterward they went to the website www.hourofcode.com to work on a 20- level coding game leading to a certificate for those who made it within the timeframe.
Students became even more excited when Mrs. Maas showed how augmented reality can be seen by downloading an app on the IPad that brings color plates virtually to life.
Mrs. Pauline Maas has an educational as well as strong IT background. She decided in 2004 to resign from her IT career and start with her own business, giving lectures, workshops and writing books on coding, social media and gaming in order to assist and guide parents, teachers and children in the virtual world.
Mrs. Maas was assisted in the workshop by Mrs. Lorraine Thompson, grade 3 and 4 teacher at OIS, and Mrs. Johanna Sommers of Saint Martin. OIS Students work daily with technology such as Promethean Interactive Whiteboards and LearnPad Educational Tablets.
Omololu International School embraces and holistic and experiential approach to learning about our world, equipping students with meaningful understanding and skill sets to lead successful lives and to make a positive contribution to society. Registration for the 2015-16 School Year is now open. For more information kindly see us at www.omololuschool.org, follow us on Facebook, or contact us at 1(264) 497-5430.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)