More than any day in the year, today is when we celebrate the unity of the Anguillian people, the spirit of cooperation that secured our historic accomplishment, secession from St Kitts, and the harmony that we now hope will lead us to a brighter future. We are truly “One Anguilla,” and it is wonderful to see so many of our friends and neighbours gathered together in the Land of the Happy.
On this special day, our attention often turns to the challenges and achievements of the past. But this time, at this moment of rare opportunity in Anguilla’s history, when we are only two years away from celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Anguilla Revolution, I would ask that you join me in shifting our gaze to what lies ahead.
In the remarkable results of our latest election, you sent a clear signal that it is time for Anguilla to break the habits of the past and finally realise our full potential through smart, responsible leadership. You placed great power, and therefore great trust, in the hands of a single party. And you chose me to stand in the unprecedented role of a truly independent Leader of the Opposition, with a vote and a voice unencumbered by party politics.
In that role, I would like to point out two challenges we now face … obstacles that we must overcome to really be a prosperous and stable “One Anguilla.” I raise these issues because we must keep pressure on all of our leaders to face these problems and SOLVE these problems. Words are not enough. We know how years and years of empty talk can lead us nowhere.
First, I call on the government to do more about the banking crisis that looms over us. We are a talented and resourceful people, and we have within our ranks the expertise to solve this problem. We need our banks to start lending again at this crucial moment, when economies are growing, competition is thriving, and our people need the resources to build businesses before it’s too late! I ask respectfully that the discussions and debates be opened up to the light of day and shared with the people whose futures are at stake. If we don’t want this left in the hands of outside forces … if we don’t want this to be decided FOR us instead of BY us, then we need information! We are sailing into a storm, and we need everyone alert if we want to make it through.
Secondly, I ask that we open a discussion on voting rights, voter registration, and votes cast by those living abroad. We must welcome the voice of the Anguillian diaspora in our elections, especially if we truly believe in “One Anguilla”! These are our family, our relations, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles … people who form a vital part of the Anguillian family. They connect us to the world in ways that bring us immeasurable benefit in influence, experience, and talent. They are part of our “One Anguilla,” and they should be able to vote just as expatriates of other countries do – by post in a manner that enables their voices to be heard, and thwarts the reprehensible votr fraud that has taken place in the past. We must do away with the unhappy practice of excluding our fellow Anguillians, by saying: “he or she may be a Belonger, but is not from here”. We are strong and resilient at 48, but to transform we must give legal form and credence to including ALL Anguillians, starting with our children and grandchildren wherever they may be in the world!
We have survived. We are resilient. A new era of prosperity awaits us. To God be the Glory!
May God bless us all and may God bless Anguilla.