Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (ACOCI) 4th Annual Starry Night Dinner, Dance and Auction was held on Saturday June 20th, 2015 at Italia Restaurant at Cuisinart Resort and Spa. The proceeds from this black tie event are in support of the ACOCI Scholarship for an Associate Degree in Business or Hospitality at the Anguilla Community College (ACC). The scholarship is open to young persons who are under the age of 25, have performed well academically and have demonstrated financial need.
The Chairperson for the beautiful evening was Sharon Richardson, the Director of Hospitality at the ACC. The opening prayer was given by Karen Pina, Clerical Officer at ACOCI.
Welcome remarks were given by the Chair of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Keithley Lake. Mr. Lake recognized the presence of the first recipient of the ACOCI Scholarship, Wykeisha Mills. Wykeisha volunteers at the Chamber of Commerce while carrying a full course load in the Associate of Science in Business Studies at the Anguilla Community College.
Mr. Lake thanked everyone for attending stating that through initiatives such as the ACOCI scholarship ‘we help young persons to take their rightful place in business.’ He shared his concern that in 2015, the number of Anguillians accessing the ACC is not what it should be. He emphasized that money should not be an obstacle for young persons to attend College. Mr. Lake reiterated the Chamber’s commitment to providing resources to make sure young people can take advantage of opportunities at the College. He ended with the visionary words ‘Investment in youth will always be worth it.’
The President of the Anguilla Community College, Professor Delroy Louden, also gave remarks. He first thanked the Chamber of Commerce for their stellar effort in organizing the event and for providing full scholarships at the ACC. Professor Louden also gave updates on activities at the ACC. He enthusiastically shared that plans for construction of the new building were proceeding and expressed with pride that he had been approached by past Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) students who wanted to work on the new building project. With the Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB) blessing, the Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) for Construction will now make provision for five past TVET students to be hired. He shared that the College has also embarked on hiring new staff, is making plans to develop their OECS specialization in oenology and mixology and continues to offer flagship courses such at its ‘ Leadership at Every Level’ course.
Lily Moses, Executive Secretary and the main organizer of the event shared the details of the auction which was then opened for bids for two hours. The Vote of Thanks which included an extensive list of sponsors was also given by Mrs. Moses.
Guests were entertained during the cocktail hour by the melodic voice of Jaine Rogers. Dinner was a four course meal prepared and served by the capable staff of Cuisinart Resort and Spa. There were also numerous door prizes which guests won during the evening.
A repeat attendee of the attendee remarked ‘I look forward to Starry Night every year. The event is well organized, the door prizes are fantastic and the items for the silent auction offer really good value. I never leave empty handed and I love that all proceeds go towards such a good cause.’
Another attendee shared commendation for the work of the Chamber of the Commerce stating ‘ACOCI does a remarkable job of putting together this event annually. I hope more persons will take advantage of the ACOCI scholarship offered through the Anguilla Community College.’
Guests which included staff and board members of the Anguilla Chamber of Commerce and the Anguilla Community College, the honorable Chief Minister, Mr. Victor Banks and a cross section of persons from the business and public sector had a wonderful evening with many persons walking away happily with door prizes or prizes from the silent auction.
Be sure to attend Starry Night in 2016. Remember all proceeds go towards scholarships for youth and an ‘investment in youth is always worth it.’
To learn more about the ACOCI Scholarship and about degrees and short courses at the Anguilla Community College, contact the ACC at info@acc.edu.ai or call at 498-8395/497-2538.