God has never done anything by accident and He does not make mistakes. Do you believe it my friends? Well, it is true. He is not like man who makes mistakes and has afterthoughts leading to a change of mind. He is not like man who makes decrees that he later has to annul because he has not considered all the consequences, or that he lacks the infinite power to bring to pass that which he has said.
God is not like that. Make no mistake about it. God makes no mistakes. He is totally in control at all times of what happens in His world. Everything in life happens for a reason. We had better believe that. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows and sees the beginning and the ending of all that transpires in our lives and the world. He is all powerful and always in control. Isn’t it good to know that my friends?
The election race is over. The results are in. Now it is time to accept the newly elected and move forward. God knows exactly what He is doing. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He knew who would have won the race. He knew what would have been the reaction of the people. He already knows what the future holds. That’s the kind of God we serve. He can be trusted. Sometimes God’s way up is down – usually, in fact! – just the opposite of what we think! God loves to do things contrary to natural expectation because that takes a miracle, and shows that it’s God, and not Man!
We need to trust Him and allow Him to do His work. Someday everyone will be glad and will understand the reason behind it. No matter what happens good or bad, God is in control. He is the King of the universe. And He is good. But that doesn’t mean He’s the direct cause of everything that happens. It doesn’t mean that everything that happens is something He wants to happen. And it certainly doesn’t mean that everything that God allows is good either.
For example, if you read the scriptures you will see and understand exactly what is meant by that. Let’s look at a few examples: God did not cause Lucifer to rebel. He didn’t cause Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. He didn’t cause Cain to kill Abel. He didn’t coerce the Roman soldiers into killing Jesus. He did not tell the people to call for Barabbas instead of Jesus. Those who carried out those deeds bore full responsibility for their actions. He made no mistake in creating Satan either. God simply allowed things to happen. It means then that God is at work in all things.
No matter how bad things may seem, or may get, God’s ultimate and eternal purpose will be done. Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand why God did this or didn’t do that, but rest assured that God works from His divine plan. He doesn’t ever make a mistake. He knows exactly what He is doing, my friends. Those who assume that everything that happens has God’s fingerprints all over it fail to distinguish between what God allows and what God causes, and between what God permits and what God prefers. The Bible clearly tells us that there are a number of situations where the dark trials of our lives have nothing at all to do with God’s wonderful plans for our lives. However, He permits them so that they can help to refine us and to bring about His glory.
Sometimes the trials and hardships we face are the results of our choices. They are self-inflicted wounds. They are not God’s doing. They are our doing. However, the Bible commands us that in all things give thanks for it is the will of God concerning us. God is at work behind the scenes of everything. Whether you agree with the outcome or not, it is important to leave everything in God’s Hands. He works in mysterious ways, my friends. God can be trusted. His good and eternal purposes can never be thwarted.
God is not limited in space and time as we are. He saw all our “tomorrows” long before we even had our first “today”. The major turningpoints in our lives were already preset by Him before we were born. He knows what crises and hardships await us. God sees our path clearly, for He views the future just as easily as we see the present. Moreover, He is not hampered by our own limited perspective, but understands all that has happened to us in its true context. So there is absolutely no need for us to worry. He wants us to just trust Him. He is all-powerful and all-knowing.
You see, we do not know all the facts, all the end results – and we do not have access to all the important information, but the Lord knows all the facts. He knows and sees the big picture. We do not and cannot! That’s why we need to trust Him. God works different from man, my friends. Read the scriptures and you will see. Study the life of Joseph, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, David and Saul just to name a few. When God chose Saul to be king of Israel, He did not make a mistake. The people wanted him and He gave him to them. God got some of His greatest victories out of seeming defeat, my friends. From the squeezing and twisting of David’s life came forth the sweetness of the Psalms, and the fragrance of his praises to the Lord for His mercy! It was all God and all grace, and none of himself or his own righteousness! It is a lesson that has been an encouragement to many ever since!
Therefore when we lack all the answers, we need to choose to live by faith instead of questioning Him. God knows and understands everything. So we need to trust Him fully in all things. He is in ultimate control. Isaiah 55:8,9 states, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts!” 1 Corinthians 2:16 also states, “ Who can know the mind of the Lord, and who can show Him anything?”
Our business is to cooperate with God and embrace and welcome our duly elected government, and remember God doesn’t make mistakes. It is also wise to bear in mind that the “foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” God holds the keys to the future and He is in charge.
God holds the key of all unknown and I am glad;
If other hands should hold the key,
Or if He trusted it to me, I might be sad.
What if tomorrow’s cares were here without its rest?
I’d rather He unlocked the day,
And, as the hours swing open, say, my will is best.
The very dimness of my sight makes me secure;
For, groping in my misty way,
I feel His hand; I hear Him say, my help is sure.
I cannot read His future plans; but this I know:
I have the smiling of His face,
And all the refuge of His grace while here below.
Enough; this covers all my wants; and so I rest;
For what I cannot, He can see,
And in His care I saved shall be, forever blest.
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com.