For the first time in the history of Anguilla, a woman, in the person of Ms Palmavon Webster, has been sworn in as Leader of the Opposition in the island’s House of Assembly.
Ms. Webster, who is the lone Opposition Member of the House, won her seat as an independent candidate in District 1 in the 2015 general election on April 22. She defeated the incumbent, Mr. Othlyn Vanterpool of the Anguilla United Front; and newcomer, Dr. Ellis Webster, Leader of the Anguilla United Movement.
Ms. Webster took the oaths of office and allegiance administered by Governor Christina Scott on Friday, April 24, in the Executive Council’s Chambers. In commending her, the Governor told Ms. Webster that she had a challenging job and she was looking forward to supporting her in her role in the House of Assembly.
Replying, Ms. Webster said in part: “I want to say that it is a very humbling experience for me. I want to thank God for this opportunity because I believe that it is God’s plan that the people of Anguilla should have an independent voice – and I would like to think that it will always be the voice of the people…I commit that I will do my very best to represent the good people of District 1 who elected me. I know an independent voice is critical in our democracy especially in an environment where we had such an overwhelming change. I am the only representative of the people who will be independent of the party in power. I feel that it is essential that there is a voice that needs to dissent. There needs to be a champion of the weak, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged.”

In the evening of her swearing-in ceremony, Ms. Webster held a rally at the Pond Fill, Island Harbour, for all of her supporters.