Mrs. Cora Richardson Hodge, speaking less than a week after having been appointed the new Minister of Home Affairs, with responsibility for Labour and other subjects, said that the draft Labour Code, which was around for some time, will be her number one priority.
She was at the time addressing a mass gathering of Fun Day lovers at the Ronald Webster Park on the May Day holiday which they celebrated with a variety of sporting activities. The competing participants represented various branches of the public and private sectors.
“Our celebration of May Day should serve as a reminder to us that although great strides have been made internationally confirming the relationship between employer and employee, there is much work still to be done here in Anguilla,” she told her listeners. “The law on workers’ rights, our Fair Labour Standards Act (although suitable when enacted), was created at a time when the labour market was significantly different. For today’s environment, the law is unfortunately relatively outdated and inadequate. These inadequacies in the law have created some unfair situations which changes in our laws will be able to address. Anguilla is one of the remaining small Caribbean islands where there is indeed an urgent requirement to look seriously at the labour laws.
“That is why one of the first items on my agenda, as Minister of Labour, is to finally and fully address the draft Labour Code which has been around for some time. This is number one priority and special attention is being paid to it.”
Mrs. Richardson-Hodge continued: “Happy workers stay and work hard – and happy employers should reward such loyalty. It is a cyclic relationship, and it is one that must be maintained with a high level of professionalism, compliance to labour laws and integrity. The social dialogue between employers, the workers and Government is essential to the development of Anguilla’s economy.
“To each and every worker, past and present, I want to acknowledge and honour you. Your contributions have helped to make Anguilla what it is today, and I am positive that you will continue to help us in making strides forward. These past years have shown us that building our country will take our combined efforts in order to make it happen.”
The Minister added: “Labour Day is an important reminder that we all are the product of opportunities that were extended to us and our forefathers. When we extend a similar kindness and patience afforded to us to, those around us, we can indeed uplift our beautiful Anguilla.”
The sporting events began shortly after the Minister’s address with directives to the teams from the Acting Director of Sports, Mr. Rollins Richardson, and the conducting of the activities by Mr. Winston Duncan.
The results of the sporting competition for the various teams were as follows:
Viceroy 140; Prison 96; Government 94; CuisinArt 93; Teachers 86; Health 77; Cap Juluca 76; Air and Sea Ports Authority 69; Malliouhana Hotel 48; and Legal 12.