The six primary schools in Anguilla are the recipients of cheques of US$125.00 each from the East End Community Sports Club. On Tuesday 28 April, at the Conference Room of the Department of Information Technology and E-Government Services, the Principals of the primary schools were on hand to receive the funds from the clubs representatives, Owen Mussington, President and Stacie Ruan, Organizer.
This is the seventh year that the club has been organizing fund raising Gospel concerts, geared towards assisting the educational and medical institutions on the island. The proceeds from a concert held at St Mary’s Anglican Church, entitled ‘Children in Concert’, on 28th March, were used to fulfill the wish list of the six primary schools on the island.
The schools will use the funds to fulfill different needs; the Morris Vanterpool School will purchase headphones for its computer lab, the Vivien Vanterpool School will get behavioural incentives for its children; Orelia Kelly School will use the funds towards construction of a storage unit; Valley Primary will purchase a shredder; Adrian T Hazell School’s funds will go towards enhancement of its auditorium and Alwyn Allison Richardson school has earmarked its funds towards the Art Egel ceremony.
The club would like to express thanks to St Mary’s Anglican Church for the use of the church, and thanks to all its supporters, as well Social Security for its kind sponsorship of the PA system.