On Thursday 7 May the DOVE Centre received two tablets from LIME for use by its special needs children. The Centre in the enviable position of having good community and corporate friends.
The DOVE Centre is situated in the Alwyn A Richardson School in West End. The school bears the name ‘Alwyn’ and that is the very name of its community friend. He is a former pupil of the community school and is named Alwyn (Jr.) after the first Principal. Alwyn Richardson Jr. has a keen interest in the affairs of the school and was the one responsible for going to LIME and asking for help for the DOVE Centre. This culminated in the presentation of two tablets to the Centre.
LIME expressed appreciation for the facility and the dedication of the teachers catering to the needs of the special children. LIME was happy for the opportunity to be able to contribute the much needed tablets to the Centre.
Mrs Violet Martin, Lead Teacher, thanked LIME on behalf of the staff and pupils. She said the tablets will go a long way in assisting the children in developing their communication skills.” She commented that she was grateful for the two pieces of equipment but indicated that there were other needs at the Centre for which she would like community partners and friends to be aware of and donate to. Contributions can be made by contacting the Alwyn A Richardson School at 497-7848 and the DOVE Centre at 497-6721.