President of the Anguilla Community College, Professor Delroy Louden, has released a three-page paper which he discussed on wednesday this week with the newly-appointed Minister of Education, the Hon. Evans McNiel Rogers.
Following is the text of that discussion paper:

The key broad goals of the Anguilla Community College at this time are to:
1. Establish the new Anguilla Community College (ACC) campus at Long
Path; including new construction, retrofitting of existing building, furnishing, equipment and materials.
2. Operate as a maturing tertiary education institution offering full-time
(day) programmes, in addition to the current part-time and evening courses/programmes including the transfer of the Sixth Form Programme currently housed at ALHCS.
3. Nurture institutional strengthening and human resource development
of staff and adjunct faculty.
4. Procure accreditation
a. Institutional accreditation
b. Pogramme accreditation
5. Launch of the Division of Technology and Strengthening of the Division of Continuing and Adult Education
6. Increase the use of technology in the operation and management of the ACC as well as for teaching/instruction and in the curriculum at the ACC.
The major departmental objectives are to:
1. Heighten grant funding options.
2. Lobby ministerial support for the transition of the ACC to Long Path and transfer of the Sixth Form.
3. Lobby ministerial support for an apprentice system in Anguilla – perhaps through the TVET council in the interim.
4. Institutional accreditation.
5. Facilitate distinguished public lectures /panel discussions.
Office of the Dean
1. Formation of the Centre of Educational Innovation & Technology to include the launch of the ACC Centre of Excellence for English & Mathematics.
2. Staff development and instructional support
a. exchange and visiting faculty to strengthen instruction and student exposure
b. staff development including developing a formal network of advisors
for the Dean and seeking technical support from local and regional experts in area of educational management & leadership.
c. Formal certification in Educational Leadership for Dean.
d. Develop and execute a summer certification for those intending to teach at ACC.
e. Tightening quality controls in the evaluation and appraisal of lecturers.
f. Develop and maintain informal reading club or annual conference / meet and greet to share best practices.
3. Technology
g. Implement and initiate the use of CANVAS Learning Management System to support and enhance student learning.
h. Support elaboration of online courses
4. Offer a wider range of internationally certified programmes including
i. Pearson testing Centre by summer of 2016.
j. City and Guilds exams
5. Programme accreditation for the Post graduate Diploma in Education
including consultancy to identify the strengths of the programme and
also seek out the areas that would require some additional work towards accreditation.
6. Improve short course offerings with a focus on technology, social media and the internet and technical and vocation courses.
Division of Hospitality
1. Hospitality Division Advisory Committee – 2nd Hospitality Ambassador
Recruitment Programme (HARP) in July 2015.
2. Chef de Partie a member of the Anguilla National Culinary Team competing in the annual ‘Taste of the Caribbean’.
3. Working with industry to organize internships for students.
4. Marketing the OECS Network of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality
Training and Education (NETHTE) oenology and mixology.
5. The Division of Hospitality will be celebrating its 10th year in 2016 and consideration will be given to producing a monograph working title- Hospitality Studies and the Culinary Arts in Anguilla.
1. Marketing and Promotion
a. Undertake a rebranding initiative that will contribute to the ` repositioning of ACC as a viable option
b. Update the ACC website.
2. Student Services
c. Support the nascent student government and other student organisations at ACC as well as promote alumni involvement at the ACC.
d. Produce complete student handbook
3. Student Management
e. Improve the robustness and broaden utilisation of the online student
management system;
f. Working towards an integrated single-sign-on /sign-off platform for student learning (instruction) and student management (record keeping and grades).
1. Complete the audit for the years 2010 to 2014.
2. Develop comprehensive, standardized human resources related policies and procedures.
1. Shortfall in CDB loan financing – CDB loan funds may not be sufficient
to complete the new campus at Long Path. The college must seek further government support as well as other avenues to accomplish this.
2. Pressing attention must be focused on the transition of the 6th form programme (both the academic and 6th Tech) to ACC.
a. Rationalisation of funding transfer in support of the 6th form (which is currently free of charge at ALHCS.
b. Rationalisation of human resource deployment regarding faculty.
c. Logistics.
3. Faculty Support- Several of the divisions outlined in the ACC Act are not yet in full operation; notably – the Divisions of Technology, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Continuing and Adult Education- Funding for the Division of Technology is another priority for ACC.
4. Accreditation – self-study in preparation for programme accreditation.
5. External Funding- We have several applications submitted for funding seeking Faculty Sabbatical leave support, Technical and Vocational Education9 City and Guilds of London approved Center.