Central Christian School honors Mr. Ross Guishard, Ms. Maureen Powell and Mrs. Nakeita Adams for their unwavering commitment and dedication to our school community – during the months of January, February and March respectively.
Ross Guishard has proven to be an excellent team player. He is among the few teachers who can consistently maintain students’ interest in the traditional, lecture-based classroom. To call Mr. Guishard innovative would be a touch disingenuous. Mr. Guishard has been in the teaching profession for many years. The knowledge, truth and discipline he shares with his students and colleagues show that he truly cares.
Ms. Powell is a qualified teacher in Early Childhood Education, with over 20 years experience. Her confluence of concern for students, ethical action, and unique educational opportunities makes Ms. Powell an excellent example of giving back to the Central community in the hopes of improving it. However, her care for students is exemplary, refreshing and certainly original.
Mrs. Nakeita Adams was honored for her hard work and dedication to our institution. Mrs. Adams is a reliable, loving and caring teacher who communicates well with parents and staff members. She is admired for her outstanding attendance and her willingness to seek personal academic growth.
An unparalleled concern for the lives of students in and out of the classroom combined with an innate desire to maximize the academic potential of our institution make Ms. Powell, Mr. Guishard and Mrs. Adams the model of teaching which all should emulate.
The awards came with incentives and the teachers’ names were entered into CCS’ Hall of Fame.
Ms. Maria Reid
Acting Principal