Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster, Leader of the Anguilla United Movement, has issued a press release in which he publicly congratulated Chief Minister, Mr. Victor Banks; his Anguilla United Front Party; and independent candidate, Ms Palmavon Webster, for their election victory.
Dr. Webster’s press release was first broadcast on April 23, the day after the general election, and was sent to The Anguillian for further publication. He began by thanking all of the persons who supported the AUM in its bid to form the new government of Anguilla.
The full text of his release is as follows:
“On behalf of the Anguilla United Movement and my colleagues who together with me vied for office in the just-concluded 2015 elections, I wish to thank all those persons who followed, embraced and supported the message of our campaign. We are hopeful that notwithstanding our lack of success at the polls that you would reflect on the issues which were raised on our platform.
“I also want to take this opportunity, having already personally spoken both with Chief Minister Victor Banks, and Ms Palmavon Webster, to publicly congratulate Mr. Banks on behalf of himself and his Anguilla United Front Party and Ms Webster for their success at the polls.
“We, the candidates and members of the Anguilla United Movement, pledge our support to assist the Government as it enters administration of our island’s affairs. In fact, we are pleased that our administration was able to have left a better economic and budgetary position so that once more the incoming government will be able to hit the ground running.

“I also trust that our supporters of our Anguilla United Movement will accept the outcome of the polls as we move towards our island returning to a sense of normalcy and unity following this lengthy campaign.
“We hope that the incoming administration will continue along the path of moving this country to sustainable growth and development.
“Thank you. God bless you and may God continue to bless Anguilla.
“Ellis L. Webster
Leader of the Anguilla United Movement.”
Following that release, Dr. Webster and his AUM colleagues held a mass rally for their supporters at the Tyre Shop in George Hill on Saturday night, April 25. The event was called to allow the candidates to individually thank the voters for their support.