On Sunday, March 29th, a new church ministry was initiated in Farrington community. The former No-Walls Church of Hope took on a new image, and by means of changing its identity, the ministry now goes by the title Kingdom Vision Apostolic Church. The No-Walls Church was established some eight years ago under the auspices of Pastors James and Patricia Harrigan, but had lately been experiencing difficulties from a leadership perspective. Thus, it was necessary to re-launch the ministry with a new vision in view.
According to Pastor James, “The re-launch of the ministry was necessary in order to move away from the old image and the face of defamation that had started to identify the church with disdain and dishonor. In colloquial terms, the pastor said, we have had to “catch ourselves”.
He continued, “A re-launch was necessary because the invisible hand of the enemy had dealt the church a crippling blow. A re-launch was necessary because God, by his great providence, and through his restoring hand, has lifted the church from where it had fallen and given it new vigor, new strength and new vitality to continue fighting the good fight against the cunning ploys of defeat.”

Elmead Allen
Apostle Elmead Allen has been working along with Pastor James for the past five years, and has been faithfully supporting the ministry lately both in the role of teacher and Apostle. He is the Senior Pastor of God’s Kingdom Citizens Ministries in Cay Bay, St. Maarten, and he said this concerning the recent re-launch: “Over the last few months discussion and plans have been taking place concerning the restructuring and the re-launching of the No-Walls Church of Hope. There are a number of things which need to be taken into consideration when looking at restructuring the ministry, none of which is more important than knowing God’s will and being obedient to it.”
The Apostle continued: “One of the most reassuring factors of all that has transpired is that none of these things has taken God by surprise. God is all-knowing. He is all-seeing and He is forever faithful. God is saying to us that it is time for us to move from where we are, for we have dwelt here for too long. He is not calling us to rebuild the old, or to rebuild the good times which were before. God is not calling us to rebuild what we want, or how we think it should be built, but He is calling us to rebuild what He wants — to rebuild the ministry, His way, for His Glory, for His honor, and for His purpose. In essence, God is calling us to build his Kingdom.”
The re-launching event was attended by an appreciative crowd consisting of pastors and members of other congregations and fellowships on the island. As with similar dedicatory ceremonies, addresses were given, songs of dedication were rendered, prayers of committal were offered, and a jubilant dance was performed by the church’s youth to mark the red-letter occasion.
– Contributed