The race is on! Electricity is in the air! Can you feel it? Election Day is now a matter of days away. Everyone is making predictions and analyses regarding the possible outcomes of the race. Judging from the pulse of the general public, some people seem to be nervous, and some impatient as to what the outcome will be, as a lot can change between now and Election Day.
It is wise to bear in mind that there is an element of unpredictability in the political world that transcends the abilities of any political analyst. So the ball is in the court of the electorate. Only they can determine the outcome. Are their minds made up? Are they ready to do battle? Are they ready to cast that important ballot that will determine the fate of the country?
The defining moment is fast approaching. Who will get the mandate to govern the country? The answer rests with all of us, my friends! This election is a defining one. This election has the potential to determine the country’s destiny. It has the potential to change our lives in a profound way forever. What will be the outcome? Who will take the reins of government of the country?
My friends, who will it be? Who will make it to the finish line? Who are the candidates that will be given the opportunity to chart the course of this nation? The answer rests with you – with us! The power is in our hands. It is your vote, our votes that have the influence to determine the outcome of the election. We are the agents by which change will come.
This election is indeed a special one. It is dubbed the “Mother of all Elections” because this is the most important election in Anguilla’s History. It involves the changing of the guards. The million dollar question is, who will be the next Chief Minister and who will be the elected Officials? Those are indeed the most pertinent questions that are before us and those we need to decide upon. Only we, the electorate, can determine that my friends. Only we can make the call on those important questions.
The likability factor of certain candidates should not bear any effect on the outcome of a race, but it is proving to be quite an important determining factor in this general election. Likeability has a very important role in an electorate’s influence on peoples’ behaviour. Liking a candidate has been shown to be one of the strongest factors linked with persuasion, and is considered a very important measurement of the effectiveness of a campaign. The likeability of a candidate determines how the electorate view the candidate and what the electorate think or feel about the candidate. It also measures the attitude towards the candidate as well.
Therefore, attention must be paid on how the candidate is selling him or herself. Advertising informs, entertains and sells. Occasionally, it even inspires. If advertising is about selling, then persuasion is how the candidate must get there. That is the way he or she will win the populace and engender respect and buy-in. Besides the candidate’s messages, the candidate’s attitude and behaviour are critical. You see, attitude is powerful. It is everything. It is often the first thing people notice about a candidate. It will help him or her gain more respect and love from the people.
So as the race moves on, it is of dire importance not only to listen to the messages but also to pay attention to the candidates attitudes and behaviours. Their attitudes and behaviours, to a large extent, will determine how the electorate participate, whom they vote for, and what political parties they support. The most interesting questions about an election are not concerned with who won – but with such questions as why people voted the way that they did, or what were the implications of the results?
Hence it is important to bear in mind that a voter may choose a candidate on the basis of one or more of the following considerations:
? orientations on specific issues of public policy
? general evaluations of the government performance
? evaluations of the personal characteristics of the candidates
We need to understand that each moment has the capacity to create transformation in our lives and this election can do just that. This election has the potential to be a blessing in disguise for us to discover where we can go, how far we can go and what we can become. It can also determine our happiness and success as a people. In this election we can become a victor, instead of a victim, of the moment that changed our lives.
To help us determine if this election is a defining moment, let us think of a significant experience that we will never forget and how it affected our lives. We must understand that it is us, not other people or circumstance, who are responsible for whatever happens in our lives. It is up to us to take responsibility for our own lives and destiny. Therefore when a defining moment comes along, we can do one of two things: define the moment, or let the moment define us. We can choose to be a victim or victor of the moment.
May God help us all to make the wise decision regarding the selection of our leaders!
Remember: Everything in life is a learning experience. Few things should be considered defining moments.
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com.