LIME Anguillla and the Anguilla Air and Seaports Authority have announced a partnership through which arriving and departing passengers can be better facilitated at the Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport and the Blowing Point Seaport in particular. LIME has provided EC$21,000 towards that effort, which includes superfast internet services and welcome signs.
Ms. Jade Reymond, LIME’S Marketing and Communication Manager, and Mr. Vanroy Hodge, CEO of the Port Authority, spoke to reporters on Monday March 30 (2015) about the partnership. “The partnership agreement looked at how all of the signage at both ports of entry could be upgraded, and how we felt the facilities could be upgraded,” Ms Reymond explained. “We always had free Wi-Fi at the airport but we upgraded the speed by providing AP systems – and what they do is to provide a dedicated superfast internet service that covers a wider area. So the system was upgraded at the airport, and then we implemented a new one at Blowing Point Port with superfast internet as well. We are now looking at how we can implement a PA system at the Blowing Point Port through the partnership. You should see that happening fairly soon. There is already one at the Airport.”
Replying, Mr. Hodge stated: “One of the goals of the Anguilla Air and Sea Ports Authority is to ensure that the ports are enhanced in such a way as to improve the travel experience of users. The Port Authority has partnered with various entities to meet that end. This is about LIME’s contribution, which is quite substantial; and we look forward to further partnerships. We are hoping that the travelling public, and other users of the ports in general, are pleased with the enhancements we are making. We have been working on the enhancement of the ports for the past year and we are nowhere close yet to completion.
“We are bearing in mind the Blowing Point Port, in particular, in terms of the long term development plans we have for the ports. We are ensuring that the enhancements at the port tie into that long term development plan. We are pleased with the way that the partnership with LIME was formulated and implemented; and we look forward to more partnerships with LIME and other stakeholders.”
The partnership between LIME and the Port Authority is for three years.