Session One
It is through the participation of the stakeholder group, the commitment of the KITE (Keeping Infants and Toddlers Exploring) Project Team, and sponsorship from the Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service and Digicel that the Fire Safety Training for Day Care Providers and Play School Teachers can be hailed a success.
The fire safety training was held over two sessions on Thursday April 16th, 2015 and Monday April 20th, 2015 to accommodate the large group of approximately 50 persons into two small groups.
The KITE Project Team (Ministry of Social Development) is indeed grateful to Digicel for donating the fire extinguishers needed to conduct the practical demonstration component of the training. The KITE Project Team looks forward to Digicel’s continued support in its effort to ensure that Day Care Providers and Play School Teachers are prepared with the skills and equipment necessary in emergency situations.
Other important inputs for which the project team is grateful include partnership with Mr. Alwyn Richardson at the Department of Disaster Management who provided guidance on the way forward for this group of Stakeholders who have responsibility for our children. Mr. Shondell Hodge, Acting Chief Fire Officer for his generous gesture of waiving the training fee. Additionally, the Facilitators Mr. Carlisle Lake, Leading Firefighter and Mr. Omari Bourne, Firefighter who did a commendable and dynamic job delivering the relevant information to the groups.
The training held at the Soroptimist Day Care Centre Annex focused on Fire Safety: Essential Knowledge and Skills – The following modules were delivered – Safety in the Workplace, Types and Use of Fire Extinguishers, and an interactive Practical Demonstration. The purpose of the training was to build capacity amongst Day Care Providers and Play School Teachers in the effort to further safeguard the children in their care. The KITE Project Team will continue to coordinate ongoing initiatives benefiting the age 0 to 3 population.
April 21st, 2015
Ministry of Social Development
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)