Anguilla’s Gender Development Coordinator, Dr. Ronya Foy Connor, joined counterparts from around the region to take part in the CARIWA (Caribbean Women’s Association) project for “Prevention and Intervention Against Domestic Violence” which took place last week in Antigua.
Participants included country Gender Affairs representatives, Community advocates, Health professionals and Church-based women’s organisations. Other delegates participating in the CARIWA project represented the islands of Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and Barbados.
The workshop, titled “Mobilising Women’s Faith Based Organisations to Strengthen the National Response to Eliminate Gender-Based and Domestic Violence,” was opened by Antigua’s President of the Senate, the Hon. Alincia T.H. Williams-Grant, who spoke about the need to end community violence. A presentation on Gender Stereotypes was delivered by Ms. Farmala Jacobs of the Gender Affairs Directorate of Antigua. The workshop was organized and chaired by Ms. Alexandrina Wong of the organisation Women Against Rape, Inc.
Dr. Foy Connor stated that she was pleased to liaise with counterparts around the Caribbean region in order to strengthen the platform of Gender Affairs in Anguilla. Speaking about the workshop she observed: “It was an important networking opportunity. We discussed ways to collaborate on solving challenges that are facing us all.” She continued by noting that, “even though our population and cultural norms vary around the region, we still face similar challenges in terms of addressing sexual and gender-based violence with pinpointed comprehensive systems for education, response and support for those in need.”
The Caribbean Women’s Association (CARIWA) was created to foster alliances and linkages among Women’s Organisations at the local, regional and international levels – and promotes democratic participation and unity among Caribbean Women.
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