There was not a particular cluster of audience in sight but, as crowds milled around the Peoples’ Market square, and mainly at the food strip, in The Valley, loudspeakers blared out useful advice about HIV/AIDS and other health and wellness issues.
The event was a “Street Talk” on Friday evening, March 13, timed especially to catch large numbers of persons heading to “the strip,” and well within the hearing of the speakers.
The street talk was organised by the Anguilla Community Action Network (ACAN) whose CEO, Mr John Lake, is leading the ‘battle” against stigma and discrimination relating to HIV/AIDS. The mission also relates to other life-threatening diseases and domestic violence.
For these and other broad areas, Mr Lake has been able to attract the participation of a number of other persons in what has been dubbed “Project Hope”. He has been able to score another success by getting the Governor’s Office to sponsor the project – and by organizing various church and community outreach activities to reach the widest possible groups and individuals.
The street event was therefore not just with respect to HIV/AIDS and stigma and discrimination, but included such matters as gender affairs whose regular spokesperson is Dr Ronya Foy-Connor, Gender Affairs Coordinator; nutrition and wellness by Mrs Vernice Battick, Nutrition and Health Promotion Coordinator; and Mrs Jennifer Gumbs, Senior Health Education and President of the Anguilla Cancer Society.