In the lead up to Lent services, the Methodist Church engaged in special evangelistic meetings under the general theme ‘Jesus is the Answer.’ The services started on Sunday 22nd March and will continue until Friday evening.
The visiting guest speaker is Reverend Vincia Celestine from Guadeloupe. She is originally from Dominica but is now serving in French-speaking Guadeloupe. Each night she spoke on an aspect of the theme, ‘Jesus is the answer’ – to the challenges of the church; the rising crime and violence; our financial crisis; our troubled youth; our family relationships and marital issues; and our quest for joy and fulfillment.
Reverend Celestine is an uncompromising speaker of the word who challenged the church to reconnect with God. She called for a fresh commitment to God – where he is given first place in our lives – so that our lights would shine bright as true witnesses that ‘Jesus is the Answer.’
Some members of the congregation remarked that the wakeup call was relevant as we sometimes forget, or don’t even realize, that we have not given God priority in our daily lives.