The Royal Anguilla Police Force, continues to give back to the community of Anguilla as part of their community outreach program.
The Hughes family from South Hill, was today Monday 16th March, 2015 presented with a cheque in the sum of EC $4,075.00 by Commissioner of Police, Mr. Rudolph Proctor to assist them with accessing medical attention for their son in the USA later this month.
Mr. Calvin Hughes accepted the cheque on behalf of his family and expressed his thanks and appreciation to the force for its kind assistance for the provision of the funds. He indicated that the funds will go a long way in assisting to take his son an avid basketball playing and assistance Tennis Coach in accessing much needed medical attention in Miami later this year.
Commissioner of Police Proctor indicated that he was glad that the organization could assist the family. He further indicated that during Police Week there are several fundraising activities with the intention of giving back to the community and the RAPF is happy to be assisting the Hughes’ family.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)