The long-kept secret by Anguilla’s Chief Minister, Mr. Hubert Hughes, as to the date of the 2015 general election, which he has taken “down to the wire”, is out in the open at last. In a brief announcement, over Radio Anguilla, on Monday evening, March 9, he informed the public that he had written to Governor Christina Scott advising her to appoint Tuesday, April 14, as Nomination Day and Wednesday, April 22, as Election Day. His announcement came on the eve of his departure for Dominica on official regional business.
On Tuesday morning, March 10, the Governor’s Office issued a press release in which Governor Scott announced Nomination Day as being Thursday, April 9 (allowing more time for pre-election preparations), but maintaining the election date as Wednesday, April 22.
The Governor’s Proclamation, appointing the date for the General Election, was made under Section 64 of the Constitution of Anguilla which provides that a general election should be held within two months of the dissolution of the House of Assembly. (The House was dissolved on February 25, 2015).
The Governor’s Writ of Election was made under the Anguilla Elections Act, R.S.A. c.E30 (Section 28). The writ was addressed to each of the seven Returning Officers. It requires them to “proceed to the nomination of candidates on the 9th day of April, 2015, at the House of Assembly, The Valley.” It also calls on them to cause an election to be held on April 22 between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. and for the name of the person elected to be certified to her not later than April 23.
The full text of the press release, from the Governor’s Office reads as follows:
“As provided for by section 64 of the Constitution of Anguilla, the Governor today issued a Proclamation ordering a general election to take place on Wednesday 22 April 2015.
“In line with section 28 (1) and (2) of the Elections Act, the Governor has also issued a Writ of Election to each of the Returning Officers in Anguilla’s seven electoral districts. These declare that the deadline for the nomination of the candidates will be Thursday 9 April, and that polling on 22 April will take place between the hours of 0600 and 1900.
“The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association who – at the invitation of the Governor and with the agreement of both the Chief Minister and Leader of the Opposition – will be conducting an Election Observer Mission, have also now been notified of the election date.
“Detailed planning continues to ensure that Anguilla’s elections are free, fair and efficiently run. Weekly training sessions in preparation for Polling Day continue under the leadership of the Supervisor of Elections, Ms Aurjul Wilson.”
The Returning Officers, who were sworn in on February 25, are as follows: District 1: Mr. Rodney Rey; District 2: Mr. Bernard Wattley; District 3: Ms Laureen Bryan; District 4: Ms Melissa Meade; District 5: Mr. Sinclair Buchanan; District 6: Mr. Gifford Connor; District 7: Mrs Gracita Christopher.
The election date is particularly welcomed by all voters in Anguilla and those who will be travelling back home to vote – all of whom have no doubt been dismayed by the protracted election date. This is the first time in Anguilla that voters are going to the polls so late in an election year. It is also the first time that a general election will be held on a day in the middle of the week.